Green Bottle

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WARNING! Explicit mentions of stimulant usage occur in this chapter. Read at own discretion. 


The pressure in the cave grew heavy, assaulting Uult's ears mercilessly. With every beat of his heart, the buzzing increased, as if an army of bees had declared war and were steadily marching to squash their trapped prey. 

Flashes of orange and blue danced on the wall, painting the blackening canvas in light from either side— paint that threatened their lives. The already stale air was slowly turning sour. A putrid scent of scorched stone swept into the boy's battered lungs, clutching his heart and mind in a deadly haze. 


They were running out of time. 

In the pulsing light, the misty-eyed boy caught sight of a recognizable lump only a meter to his left, away from the inferno. His eyes widened. A glint of an idea peeked its head around the corner. With a twitch of a finger, the ground rippled the bag into his reach, plopping it at his knees.

Pausing briefly, Uult snuck a glance at Dabi, hoping he didn't catch on. Instead, Uult's eyes filled with sadness at the pathetically scary sight before him. Dabi was fuming, smoke hissing out of his mouth, but he had enough brains to finally realize that his fire was useless against the wall. He had resorted to blunt force, channeling all of his anger into every strike. 

Sadly, rage is a force that blinds. It eats at you, gnaws your bones and corrodes your senses into nothing but monstrous, murderous abandon. If you lose, the price to pay is everything. Your peace, your mind, your sanity... The bloody and abused fists slowly chipping the wall were proof of that. 

He doesn't deserve this. No one deserves this. 

Shaking the thoughts aside, Uult returned to the task at hand: searching the pockets of the blessed indestructible pouch Mei Hatsume had made him for his ticket out. (He still didn't know which name to use. Names, titles, honorifics— they were still just a jumble of confusion.) Finally, after a frantic search of zipping, and unzipping, and opening straps, and spilling the contents on the floor, his fingers graciously slid over a cold surface, before hooking around it in triumph and fishing it out. Uult smiled wyrly at the sickly green flashing stark in his clammy hand. 

Man, never thought I'd need these. 

His thumb traced the faded penmanship, a scribble forming barely decipherable words over the actual name of the contents: The cylinder of doom. A foreboding name, I know, but in this case it shouldn't be taken lightly. 

Is it bad that I'm glad I never threw them out? 

The cape opened with a pop, contents spilling out. Each pill looked like sickly small, blurry jewels that hadn't been polished yet. 

1, 2, 3... Uult counted them one by one, discarding the case, completely missing the warning on the bottom of the bottle. 

...7, 8. 8 sounds about right. God, I hope that's enough. 

Now came the moment of truth: to risk or not to risk? A very simple question, with a hard answer.

Take the pills, or don't take them. Get the others out alive, or die here together. Suffer for others, or suffer together? The red pen stated the warning clearly: "Ingest at the risk of your own life." 

Uult was by no means a hero, just one in training, but he knew he shouldn't be forced to do this. To have to decide his fate. He was just 16, for crying out loud! He shouldn't have to be the mature one in this situation. He wanted to live his life fully, graduate, become a hero, turn his house into an animal shelter, own a flower shop—Normal things! Uult looked back to the pills in his hands and suddenly felt angry at nothing and everything at once.



Dabi had turned for a second to face him, gaze filled with the same poison killing the remaining oxygen in the air. That was all it took. Uult hardened his resolve.

Sue me later. I'm NOT dying with a VILLAIN at my throat!

With his gaze stuck on Dabi's back, Uult shoved the pills in his mouth. Holding back a dry hack, he swallowed. The rubbery skin stuck to his sandpaper throat like a cat clawing down a curtain. Tears almost leaked out from the pain of the growing lump in his throat. Finally, finally, after the pills pushed through, after they plopped into his churning stomach, the pain ceased. He only had several seconds for a silent prayer before it began. 

Whoa! What the?

It didn't start how they said it would. It wasn't a pleasant rush or exciting pop. 

No, it was a rush of power!

Uult's body tingled with overwhelming energy. The boy could feel every stone around him, every slight shift in pressure, change in direction, pulse of heat. He could see himself sitting and the rescue team only 10 meters above them working furiously as they neared the last few floors. If he concentrated further, Uult was pretty sure he could sense all the Crystal Keys he had handed out to people, all the way out of the city and into Akanaki Forest. It was overwhelming. 

And so, the crystal user stood up. His joints popped. His head ached. The world buzzed. While shifting the ground, Uult realized something. 

He wasn't just powerful enough to take down the whole city in one go, oh no! Uult had finally surpassed his power capacity.

He was all-powerful...

And he was terrified.


Note! (Yes, another one since I need to get this across)

Kids, DON'T, by ANY MEANS, do what Uult did. Seriously. Stimulants have horrid side effects, and an overdose will cost you either your life, or a piece of yourself, leaving you filled with a sense of regret. The hype is only temporary, and it will not solve your problems. Just stay strong, and deal with them with a clear mind. 

Because as they say, "A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body" Can't be at peace if you don't take care of it.

Ok? Ok. My rant is done. 

Hope you have a nice day! ;)

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now