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Colosseum : a large theater or stadium.

"Those with a conscious know the difference between right and wrong, and those with courage will always choose the harder right over the easier wrong." - Gen. Flynn


When Uult woke up, it was in disorienting darkness. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.

The first thing he did was pretend to stay asleep. A safe move. It gave him a moment to analyze his surroundings. Or, rather, the lack of them. 

He was laid in the middle of a single-size bed, on his back. It was grey and musky. The frame was metal and rickity. 

Noting no presence in the same space as himself, he sat up, mattress creasing below him. The metal frame screeched, momentarily, then stopped at the lack of movement. Breathing in, Uult tried to call his crystals, but nothing happened. He shivered, feeling disconnected. It was as though he had lost the ability to speak. The Quirk inhibitor lay heavy on his wrist, mocking Uult's failed attempt to find his power again. 

Sighing, the brunet got up. With well-placed caution, he took in the room once again. 

Sure enough, the mattress was a dusty yellow. It stood in a small, dull room with one muted bulb overhead. The walls were flat gray, with only a few yellowing charging ports staying stark against them. They were not peeling (yet) but showed a lack of sunlight. Curious, Uult looked up. There were no windows. Just two doors; one on the left, the other sharing the same corner. If given a review, it would be in the negatives. It could pass as a janitor closet, if there was any tools left lying around.

Aside from the looming emptiness, he felt a spark of hope. Noticing the form tossed haphazardly beside the bed, he launched at it. A screech. It stopped. Turned out, his trusted bag survived everything, all the hassle and tossing, with minimal damage. It was a bit scuffled, but not torn. Uult unzipped it. Reaching down into the hole, the mess of objects made it clear that his bag had been searched through. Not very thoroughly, since in the compartment below still held his phone. A small blessing.

Guess it's good to have a Samsung Mini. It's not new enough to be an imminent threat. 

He waved it around the room, grimacing at the blue screen.

Not that long battery life can create bars.


A flash of reminiscence set off a chain of unwanted memories. They made Uult pull at his hair, trying to keep himself from screaming. A knife. A girl. A shadow. He shivered.

No. That was a dream. It didn't happen. None of that happened.


His hands fell. 

The door opened.

"Get up."


Somewhere, a bit away, but not too far, Uult's household was in shambles. 

Phones were blazing with calls, both in and out. Emails were being sent at the speed of light, and the entire family of suppose-to-be 8 was in different stages of panic. 

Fuin had taken a mandatory leave off of work to search the premises with a radar, posters, and her entire unit of friends. 

Jenna, the youngest of the eldest, was babysitting the twins at a friend's house who were kind enough to take them in as their parents drove to the police station. 

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon