...And Drown in Flames

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Wet. Everything was dark, murky, and wet. Not the pleasant-beach kind of wet: the sloshingly marsh-kind of soaked. Basically, bone-drenched.

He opened his eyes. No lights were anywhere near the space he found himself in. It was as though he went blind. 'Or I died.' But, according to the freezing temperature that should have been numbing his legs, it was safe to assume that he was not. Rather, he was floating in water, body laid out like a starfish. 

It was serene, how the stillness calmed him. The only thing that was off was the echoing of splashes against something, with the occasional bubbling that sounded too loud, to rhythmic, too close. What was it? Better yet, why was he here? Where was this 'here'? After a few more moments of recollection, an event that lead to this... situation resurfaced

'F**k. No wonder.

So there he lay, in simple silence. Detached, but aware. His back ached in dull pain. He knew he had to move, or else something would happen and it wouldn't be pretty. 

'Ok. In...Out...'  His shoulders rolled back, relaxing. He felt ready. He was ready.

With a puff of steam, Dabi shifted. The wood that dug into his back was still painful, His muscles were sore from the sudden deplete of adrenaline rush, and something- Something was tightening around his arms? Something lukewarm? Like...a dead seal? 'No, that's wrong. It's more like a dying, freezing limb-'

The image of Endeavor's cold body floating in the dark bay littered his mind. Dabi couldn't move as cold, cold hands were reaching, grasping at him, one for each person he killed-  the civilians, the other villains, the kid- all pale, pulling him under, under, under, under, deeper and deeper and deeper. Void eyes sunk into his skull, pounding in all the regrets he built flooded through from all those years of shutting himself down. The cold seeped through his barriers, breaking the dam, shifting the solid concrete like aluminum foil."You killed us. Now, you'll pay the price."


Dabi panicked. Without a second thought, his arms automatically bursting into flames. It worked; the creature backed off for a few seconds. Dabi smirked, hearing the squeal and a splash before the cold limbs were back on him. The water sizzled, misting the area, blurring his already impaired vision. There was a figure, black, holding him still. He couldn't move. The heat increased. The figure pulled back a bit, finally speaking.  

"What the FUDGE! DABI! CHILL!!! " The person sounded too annoyed to be a hero.

'...ok, so it's not the bast*rd.'

"There's only one crate, ONE, and it's wood! WOOD! You'll burn it, idiot, then we're both screwed. Note to self; you're fire! FIRE, I TELL YOU! So STOP!" 

'Whiplash is terrible.' Dabi paused. '...This voice?

The limb (because that's what it should have been) pulled him up a bit. Dabi could feel the wood dig its claws into his back. It hurt, yet he ignored it; it didn't bother him as much as the scars and burns littering him from head to toe.  

"Thank you! Sheesh!" 

Dabi groaned, clammy hands rubbing at his temples. 'No f***ing way-

Stuck in rubble with the Enemy  - Dabi x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now