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- Taurieth p.o.v.-

I woke up. At first, I didn't realize where I was. But then I remembered all that had happened yesterday. My liitle talk with Saruman. All the things that happened 500 years ago. That was all Saruman's fault. Even if there weren't any Mirkwood royals for the dragon to kill, my parents would have been killed anyway. It wasn't Thranduil and his son's fault. I hated them for all those years and it was towards the wrong person. Vaile was few meters away enjoying her breakfast. I got up and stretched my body. Right, I was in Fangorn, I almost forgot. I wondered where Treebeard was. Maybe still at the Orthanc.

- Edoras -

"Where is Taurieth?" Eowyn asked. The company were back at the golden hall now.

"She is... she needs some time on her own." Aragorn answered. Eowyn looked sad, but understood. After she went away to see her father, Aragorn asked to Gandalf.

"Will she be alright? Taurieth?" Aragorn looked worried for his newest friend. Gandlaf sighed.

"She will need time. It would have been a shock to her very much. But she will come back. Or so do I hope." Gandlaf answered. Legolas and Gimli were worried about her too. After all, she looked pretty stunned by the truth Saruman told her.

- Fangorn -

"Treebeard? Do you have a moment?" I asked. Treebeard turned to me. He was taking care of things around Orthanc when I found him.

"Of course, Taurieth. What do you need?" Treebeard said. I sat down on a rock nearby.

"What should I do? Should I go back? Or should I stay?" I asked. Treebeard looked at me. He knew what happened too, since he heard everything and knew my story.

"You should do what your heart tells you to do, Taurieth." Treebeard answered. I was cofused now. What my heart was telling me? What was that? Treebeard saw the confusion on my face and continued.

"I cannot make the decision for you, my dear. How you will continue your story is up to you." Treebeard said. I remained quiet. Should I go back? If I do, I'll be able to see my friends again. And know the answer to the question that's been bothering me ; why anyone would need a fellowship created by four hobbits, one wizard, man, dwarf, and an elf. But if I stay, I could have a 'and she lived in the Fangorn happily, until the great sea called for her'. What should I do?

"What would you do if you were me?" I asked. It was his turn to be confused.

"Well, I wouldn't have got possibly gotten into a situation you are in right now, my dear friend." Treebeard answered. I glared at him. He looked away.

"Treebeard?" I asked again. He looked at me again, sighing.

"I would follow my heart." He answered. I groaned. Why did he have to make everything end with that sentence? Looking my annoyance, Treebeard chucked.

"You have time, Taurieth. You can always decide what to do at tomorrow. Go and have some fun. Vaile is waiting for you." Treebeard said. He was right. I did have time. I smiled and stood up. Vaile was waiting for me not far away. She looked eager to find out what I have decided. I stood up.

"Thank you, Treebeard." I said and went to Vaile. I patted her muzzle while she tried to lick me. Her eyes were asking loads of things. But I could only answer one.

"Let's go and have some fun for now. We can decide other things later, girl."

*** time skip - one day later***

I woke up from the sunlight warming my face. My eyes fluttered open, but closed again when something wet licked me.

"Vaile!!! Stop! You know I don't like that!" I said laughing, pushing her away. It was our daily routine in morning. Vaile licking me up from sleep then going to the river to have a splash. However, today I remained seated where I woke up. Vaile waited for me to stand up like usual, but I didn't. After all, I had an important decision to make today. Vaile knoticed something different and came to seat by myside.

"Today's the big day, girl." I said brushing her mane. She nieghed in agreement. Or at least that's what I thought. What should I do? The same question bothered me again. I thought of everything that happened since I met them. Well, nothing bad really. I met knew friends. And had the most fun in my life with other human kind. And there was more than a reason I had to go back, now that I think about it. I had a debt left to pay. And a combat left to dwell. Also a question to be answered. And. Those friends. They meant a lot to me. They were the ones that helped me open up a little and invited me to a great adventure. And there was a battle for Middle Earth according to Gandalf. I couldn't just turn my back now. Could I? I made up my mind.

"Looks like you'll be needing your strength, Vaile." I said. The black horse almost jumped up and down because of joy. Smiling, I went to see Treebeard. He was still at Orthanc, but things were almost done now. Treebeard noticed me.

"Good morning, Taurieth." He greeted me.

"Good morning to you too." I greeted back. I took a deep breath.

"Treebeard, if I leave, will you take care of Fangorn for me?" I asked. Treebeard smiled.

"I always have, my favorite friend. So you have made you're dicision, then?" He said. I smiled.

"Yeah. I'm following my heart." I answered. We both smiled. Treebeard was someone you could trust with all your heart. If he says he'll do something, he always does it. I gave him a hug. It was quite weird, hugging a tree. Treebeard was taken back by the gesture, but he hugged back (if that was possible).

"Thank you, Treebeard." I said.

"Anytime, Taurieth." He said. Then I came back to Vaile, then she started to make our way out of Fangorn. As we left, the trees wished me good luck. We were outside the forest now. Vaile started to run, and our journey begin again.

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