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*picture is Luiel, mother of Taurieth.*

"Taurieth! Get them out of here! Run!" Mom shouted. Me and my sister started to run. Elves were running here and there, away from the dragon fire.

"This way! Come here!" my sister shouted. She was busy helping other elves evacuate. I was looking at our mother. A shield made out of vines were protecting her and the Mirkwood royals. But plants were nothing compared to the fire. Soon the shield was burned down. I was standing there, doing nothing, just watching. If I had run to them, then maybe I could have saved her. But I didn't. Insted, I just stood by while my mother was on fire.

"NO!!!!!!" I yelled, sitting up from the bed. Wait, a bed? So I was sleeping and it was a dream. That was a relief.

"Ahhhh!!!" Someone else yelled from my side too. I turned my head in shock, and saw Aragorn standing with his sword out. He was breathing heavily. Seemed like he was surprised by something too. Then he saw me, then his sword, then put the sword back. He cleared his throat.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded.

"Why did you scream so suddenly?" I asked, a smile coming up on my face.

"I was just, umm. It's nothing, really." Aragorn said. I laughed a little at his answer. Then I saw a chair beside the bed.

"Did you stay here all night?" I asked, frowning. He shook his head.

"We took turns, Legolas, Gimli and I. I had trouble sending Legolas away when it was my turn because he won't leave. I thought he was attached to the chair." He said. So they took turns to watch over me while I was sleeping? Why did they do that? I couldn't remember what happened yesterday.

"You scared the hell out of all of us, Taurieth. Who suddenly faints like that? Legolas almost had a heart attack. It's really hard to surprise him, I must say." Aragorn said as he sat on the chair again. Then all the things that happened came back to me. The palantir and the stupid hobbit, my fighting with Sauron, Legolas saving me, then everything going black.

"Why did you scream so suddenly? Not that I'm surprised. You did some while you were sleeping." Aragorn asked. I screamed while I was sleeping? That was news.

"I had a bad dream." I answered. Aragorn nodded.

"What did you dream about?" He asked. Seriosly? Why did he have to ask that? Aragorn saw this on my face and changed his sentence.

"You don't have to tell me." He said. I got out of the bed. I was in my orginal clothes, which I was great to see. Aragorn stood up again. He went to a corner and picked my weapons up, bringing them to me.

"Thank you." I said smiling. I took my quiver, put it on my back, and my swords and daggers in the right place. The daggers reminded me of mister hobbit promised to sharped them. Aragorn just watched me doing this, and when I was done, he offered his arm.

"Shall we join others then, my lady?" He asked, smiling.

"In your dreams, Mr. soon-to-be-king." I said as I hit his arm instead of taking it. He faked a look saying 'can't believe what you just did', which made both of us laugh. We got out of the room, Aragorn took me to where Gandalf and Theoden was having a conversation.

"It was only a brief moment Pippin was holding the palantir. He had no chance to tell Sauron about Frodo and the ring. As for Taurieth, she did not know much, and Sauron was busy trying to make her join him." Gandalf was saying this when we found them. Pippin was sitting on a chair with his friend, Merry standing next to him. Gandalf noticed us, and gave me a little smile.

"We've been strangely fortunate. Taurieth here saw the plan of the enemy from his own head. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith. His defet at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing. He knows the heir of Elendil has come forth. Men are not as week as he supposed." Gandalf kept on saying. Sure men are not weak as he supposed, because of the heir of Elendil was super good at fighting war, I thought. At the mention of my name, Legolas, Gimli, Pippin, Merry and even Theoden turned to look at me. Legolas' face was full with happines, as well as Pippin and Merry. But the dwarf Gimli didn't looked happy, he looked like he finally got out of a maze.

"So you're finally awake, eh? I am glad you are. Few more hours and it might have been the death of me! This prince over here almost made my head blow up from his talking! About another elf who was just sleeping!" Gimli exclaimed. Legolas hit Gimli's head, clearly not happy for what he said. I almost burst into laughter. The scene was too easy too imagine. I bet Gimli had to get drunk to get away from Legolas.

"There is courage stilll, strength enough perhaps to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk people of middle earth uniting under one banner. He will raze minas tirith to the ground," Gandalf said. I listened to him carefully. From what he said, the words he will say next will be,

"Before he sees a king return to the throne of men. Shit he can really think, Gandalf." I continued. Gandalf nodded. Others were giving me how did you know that looks, but I ignored.

"If the beacons of the minas tirith are lit, Rohan must be ready for war." I said, looking at Theoden.

"Tell me... why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gondor?" He said. Gandalf was taken back at his response, that was clear. What was wrong with this guy? Did he have some kind of issues I haven't heard of?

"What's wrong with you for real???" I asked, suddenly becoming furious. Theoden's face hardened.

"Would you have ridden to aid those who did not come to your aid, she elf? Tell me." He asked, and I was speechless. I should have not. Ok. I was beginning to see the situation from his point of view.

"I will go." Aragorn spoke, but his idea was buried by Gandalf.


"They must be warned!" Aragorn said, desperately wanting to defend his city.

"And they will be." Gandalf said, then came to Aragorn and whispered something. I didn't have trouble hearing. He was talking of another road and black ships. Ooh maybe I'm gonna see some pirates, I thought to myself.

"Understand this : things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for minas tirith, and I won't be going alone." Gandalf continued when he finished talking to mr. soon-to-be-King. When he said that, he was looking at the poor hobbit. The one who was supposed to sharpen my daggers! Gandalf couldn't take him now! I was about to say something about it, but he was already out of the door. My daggers would have to wait for a bit more. Legolas noticed the dislike on my face and asked.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes. Mithrandir is taking Pippin the hobbit, who promised to sharpen all my daggers. That's what's wrong." I said, crossing my arms. Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn all looked at me like I was some kind of freak? I frowned at their glances.

"What? He owes me a debt. I'm not gonna just let him get away with it." I said and followed Gandalf to the stables. After all, I needed to check on Vaile and say a few things to the boys.

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