The end of all things

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 "21, Legolas!" I yelled as I fired an arrow to an orc in front of me. Without even time to catch my breath, I turned to stab another orc between the eyes with an arrow and shoot it towards an orc stupid enough to come near me.

"Make that 23!" I corrected.

"19, 20! You better watch your back, Taurieth!" Legolas shouted back. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Aragorn slash through the orcs with his newly forged sword, Anduril. I also saw Gimli, quite near me, chopping the orcs with his axe, screaming as he go.

"I'm on 24, you pointy ears!" Gimli shouted, hitting another orc in the face with the flat side of his axe. I fired two more arrows, instantly killing the orcs.

"27, Master Dwarf!" I replied.

"I'm on 29!" Legolas yelled somewhere behind me. I locked eyes with Gimli for a moment and I knew we were both thinking about the same thing.

"Come on, Gimli. We can't let a blond prince win, can we?" I asked, smirking.

"Let me chop you with my axes, you stinking creatures!" Gimli answered me by beheading an orc.

Just as I was about to kill my 32nd orc, I heard a high pitched scream from the sky. Sweet Eru Illuvatar. I never thought I'd see a Ringwraith riding a fell beast this close in my life time. I had two words for it; holy shit. There weren't just one. There were eight Ringwraiths, and despite the fact that Eowyn had killed the Witch King, they still looked frightening enough to scare away a couple hundred men.

Then I heard a new sound, the screech of a giant eagle. And then of course, I saw a giant eagle attack the fell beast.

"The eagles! The eagles are coming!" I heard Pippin shout somewhere on the right side of me.

"About time, Gandalf," I muttered to myself before smiling up at the giant, fell beast slaying eagles. Then I remember that I was still in a war. I continued to shoot the orcs, until I ran out of my arrows. I swung the bow on my back and took out my sword, and continued to slay orcs that was foolish enough to come near me. Apparently, the rest of the live orcs had heard a rumor about me, because they fled at the sight of me. So I had to go and find them to kill them, not wait for them to come and kill me.

The others weren't so lucky.

Pippin was stuck with an orc taller than him, but somehow was managing to stay alive. That was probably because Merry was helping him, stabbing the orc in the back and the feet whenever he got the chance. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of those two wonderful, brave hobbits who journeyed across Middle-Earth just to help their friends. I made a mental note to pay the Shire a visit sometimes.

Legolas and Gimli were now fighting side by side, Legolas using his twin blades. Gimli seemed a bit out of breath. Actually quite a lot out of breath. I thought about going to help him, but he had Legolas by his side and I was sure they could manage by themselves.

As I started to look for Aragorn and Gandalf, the fell beasts suddenly retreated, making a terrible noise that probably could make your ears go deaf if you heard it loud enough. They were flying towards the mountain, as fast they can, like someone had just broken in. Maybe someone had broken in. Maybe the hobbits called Frodo and Sam managed to climb up that mountain, after all. I made a mental note to give them a good compliment if I ever saw them.

I turned around by a loud roar, and found a cave troll making it's way to Aragorn. I spotted Gandalf too, fighting for his life, far, far away to help Aragorn. Aragorn wasn't aware of the danger that was coming to kill him. It was a mystery how the future King of Gondor can be so stupid. I doubted he could hear me, but I had to try.

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