The dead and more

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I wish I could have said that Vaile trotted happily while we were walking on the road, but it was the opposite. In fact, I was surprised that she didn't refuse to take another step every time. And I was very grateful that she didn't panic and sent me flying across the sky. We walked on the stone road, and everywhere I looked I couldn't stop thinking that his place was somehow familiar. Yes, I know, it's a crazy thought.

"What kind of army would linger in such a place?" Gimli said.

"One that is cursed. Long ago, the men of the mountains swore an oath to the last King of Gondor to to come to his aid, to fight," Legolas answered. So we were going to summon an army that is cursed? Cool.

"Let me guess, Mr. Greenleaf. They didn't come to his aid, did they? So I suppose Isildur cursed them to never rest and linger on in here. That's a little harsh," I continued his sentence, murmuring the last one to myself. We dismounted from the horses when we came to what seemed like where the door would be. It made me shiver. The place was so creepy, that you had to actually be there to know the feeling it gave you. And trust me, you do not want to know what that feels like.

"The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away," Gimli whispered.

"If your blood was cold, you would probably freezing to death by now, Mr. Dwarf," I whispered back as a matter of factly. Then I saw the door we came here for. There were some strange markings at the top of the door, which Legolas read it out loud.

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way-"

"The way is shut! We get it! No need to repeat, prince!" I whispered loudly to cut him off. It was already creepy, and his talking, reading, wasn't helping at all. And then there came an eery sound form the door, which caused Arod and Brego the horse to run away in fear. The boys tried to go after them, but it was no use. Vaile didn't run at once, but she looked at me with pleading eyes that I knew the meaning. I petted her to sooth her down, then whispered to her.

"You can go if you'd like. I'm not forcing you to stay here, you know that, right? Go back to Eowyn and help her." I felt a little sad of letting her go, but caves with ghosts were no place for horses, even Mearas. Vaile seemed happy about my order, but she looked at me worriedly.

"I'll be fine. Go!" I said pushing her to the exit. She weighted one last time and ran towards where we came in. If I was right, Eowyn could use a fast horse when she was at a war. I just hoped she wouldn't be killed. When I looked around, Gimli was surely trembling with fear. And Aragorn and Legolas? Well Aragorn walked into the door saying that he does not fear death, and Legolas went in after him. Before Gimli could say anything, I grabbed his beard.

"Come on, Gimli. We don't want to lose them here, right?" I said as I pulled him by the beard. He grunted a lot, so I had to let go when we were in. Aragorn lit a torch, and we went further in. And I saw shaped of men on horses. Gimli asked, and Legolas told him. Why does he have to ask? Oh, because he was an idiot. And then there were mists, or what ever that was, rising from the ground in the shapes of hands. Gimli tried to blow away, and I almost took my dagger out to cut the mist hand. Soon, there was a crunching sound under our feet.

"Do not look down." Aragorn warned us. Just like any stupid dwarf, Gimli looked down, and he gasped. We were on a cave filled with ghosts, and the sound was disturbing. Conclusion = bones or skulls. Maybe both. After a few minutes of living hell, we entered somewhere with a cliff and what seemed like a palace.

"Who enters my domain." a voice asked. And I got the feeling that I heard his voice before. How on earth was that possible? And a ghost appeared.

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