Getting ready for the coronation

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 "Will you please tell me why I have to wear this ridiculously long and completely useless garment?" I demanded, looking at the so called dress Eowyn was showing me. It was too long for my liking. It probably covered all the way down to my ankle if I ever wore it. I was sure I couldn't take a few steps in that ridiculous dress.

 Right now, I was wearing the same thing I had wore at the battle of the black gate. It wasn't that much dirty, you know. Just some dust and blood on them. Not that much blood.

 "It's for the coronation, Taurieth! Aragorn's becoming king!" Eowyn said, smiling brightly as if that was going to solve the problem.

 "What does that got anything to do with me wearing this... green thing?" I asked, gesturing at the dress. It was green, in case you haven't noticed. Emerald green, to be specific.

 "It's not at all appropriate to just march in there with your torn... traveling clothes!" Eowyn shouted.

 "I'm not going to march in there with my clothes torn!" I shouted back. In fact, I was planning to wear a cloak or something like that to cover things up a bit.

 "Then what are you going to wear?"

 "Anything but the thing you're holding now!"

 "You're impossible!" Eowyn said, throwing the dress to a chair nearby. Her behavior was making me more annoyed every second that passed.


 There was a knock on the door, and Aragorn came in. He looked at the crumpled dress on the chair, then at us, and a realization hit him. But he didn't say anything.

 "Frodo is awake. We're off to see him now. Are you joining us?" Aragorn asked.

 "Maybe later. Right now, I need to get some air," I stormed out of the room, leaving Aragorn and Eowyn alone in the room.

 "You will wear the dress, Taurieth!" I heard Eowyn shout behind me. I ignored her and kept walking.

 I furiously walked around, until my anger died. Why was I angry? Oh, right. Because Eowyn was being a stubborn little princess forcing me to wear a dress. A dress. I'd rather kill a couple hundred more orcs than wear that thing.

 I found myself in the garden when I looked around. Then I realized it was the garden where I kissed Legolas. Or was it where Legolas kissed me? Deciding not to think about it, I sat between the trees and took a deep breath. It was very fine weather for a coronation. Splendid, actually. Not a single cloud could be seen in the sky, and a warm breeze travelled through the trees. The sun was shining just right for all sorts of creatures, including the little birds chirping on the treetops.

 I laid down on the grass and rested my hands behind my head, and looked up at the clear, blue sky. It's been a while since I looked up at the sky like this. Alone and peaceful. I sighed in satisfaction. Why was I satisfied? Right. First, there were no more orcs to deal with. Second, Aragorn was becoming king. It should be nice to have a king friend, right? And third, I had someone that I loved who loved me back. So yeah. I was quite satisfied with my life at that point.

 Until the sky was blocked by someone's head. I was about to teach him some lessons when I realized it was Legolas.

 "Mind if I join you?" Legolas asked, looking down at me. I smirked as I saw his clothes.

 "What are you wearing?" I asked, half laughing at the sight. He was wearing a white... was that a tunic? Something looking very prince-y and formal. It had some patterns knitted into it, like some leaves or something. Very 'I am the prince of Mirkwood' clothes.

 He looked down at his clothes and then at me.

 "Wait till you see my coronation clothes," he muttered as he sat down beside me. "Aragorn literally threatened me to wear that at his coronation."

 "You're not the only one struggling with dresses. Eowyn's driving me crazy with that green dress she has for me," I said, sitting up to look at him. I definitely liked his old clothes better, but this wasn't so bad either once you've gotten used to it.

 "That's not so bad," Legolas said.

 "Are you kidding? I won't be able to walk three steps in that thing!" I complained, shaking my head. Legolas started to laugh, and soon the forest was filled with laughters of two joyful elves.

 We continued laughing until Legolas stopped and gave me an unexpected quick kiss on the cheek. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. He just gave me a cute smile. So that was what happened when someone loved you, huh? I could get used to it.

 "When was the coronation again?" I asked, suddenly aware of the sun nearly at its peak.

 "Probably noon," Legolas answered. He and I looked at each other.

 "We need to go," I said as we stood up. We started to run back inside the palace, and hoped that we weren't going to be late to our friend's coronation. After all, it was something very important.

 "See you there!" I said as Legolas entered his room. He gave a smile at me before closing his door. Damn. That smile was so adorable.

 "Taurieth! Oh my god! What happened to your hair?" Eowyn shouted, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. She was wearing a light yellow gown, with sleeves as long as a tree branch. But I had to admit. She looked absolutely stunning in that.

 "My hair?"

 That's when I realized it was all messy and had a few... nature stuff in it.

 "You must come with me at once!" she said, dragging me by the arm into my room. She made me sit on the chair, and started to unbraid some of my braids.

 "What are you-"

 "Be quiet and let me do the work!" Eowyn ordered as she got some twigs out of my hair and started to brush it. I couldn't help but flinch a little whenever she came across a knot in my hair. It has been a really long time since I brushed my hair, you know. She finally put the brush down after what I thought was eternal pain. Then she started to do some magic with my hair that I had no idea where she learned to. After 10 minutes, she told me to wait, and went outside. I went in front of a mirror and tried to look what she did to my hair. It was some sort of a half up half down style. Really pretty, if I do say so myself.

 "Here, put this on," Eowyn said, closing the door behind her and tossing me the green dress. The green dress.

 "Are you kidding?" I asked.

 "You are wearing that dress, Taurieth. Do you understand?" she ordered. I saw the look in her eyes and closed my mouth. Judging from her glare and the tone of her voice, I was going to have some serious problems if I didn't wear the goddamn dress.

 "Okay, okay. No need to kill someone about it," I murmured the last part to myself. I went into the bathroom, locked the door, and changed. Just like I expected, it was way too long. But I'll have to manage. I went outside, completely sure that I was looking like a fool, and Eowyn gasped.

 "You look amazing, Taurieth," she said after looking at me for while, and suddenly pulled me into a hug. I had no idea why she was giving me a hug all of sudden, but I hugged her back.

 "Okay...... We're gonna be late for that coronation," I said as I pulled back. "We better get going."

 "Yeah. Let's go. Here. Put this on," Eowyn said, forcing something cold into my hands. It was a simple tiara. I looked at the mirror one last time, and put the tiara on. It felt quite weird, to see me in a dress and a tiara. But I gotta admit, Eowyn really outdid herself and I looked nice.

 "Hurry up, Taurieth!" Eowyn shouted impatiently at the door, waving at me.

 "Coming!" I answered as I hurried to her, trying not to fall flat on my face. 

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