Another Suicide Mission

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  I opened my eyes. The room was empty. Sunlight filled the room. I blinked a few times, trying to get my head and vision clear. I tried to think how I ended up on a bed. Then I remembered. Legolas and I had a kiss, right. Why -how - did that happen? I didn't want to think about it. Wondering where everyone was, I slowly got out of bed. I saw that my clothes were changed. And my old ones were on a chair near me, all cleaned up. After I changed, and checked that some of my daggers were in the right place, I headed for the door.

Wondering where they might be, I simply let my elf senses guid me through the gigantic castle. Soon enough, I found myself in front of the throne room with voices coming from it.

"Keep him blind to all else that moves."

That was Aragorn. Keep who blind?

"A diversion."

That was Legolas's voice. Were they talking about creating a diversion? Seriously? While I was sleeping?

"Certainty of death, small chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

That was Gimli. I decided to step in.

"I thought you would wait for me, at least," I said, stepping out from the shadows.

"Taurieth! You shouldn't be out of bed yet!" to my surprise, it was Aragorn who scolded me.

"I'm feeling fine, Dunedain. Do you want me to show it to you?" I said, taking out one of my hidden daggers with a lightening fast movement. Aragorn certainly didn't need to be reminded of it.

"So what's this diversion you talked about?"

After getting killed a couple of times, you might think that I'm crazy to go on another war. Deal with it. When you're hanging around a man, a dwarf and an elf that loved you, you had, just had to go with them.

"So we're simply going to march up to the Black Gate and call out to Sauron?" I asked, just to be sure.

"That's the plan," Aragorn answered. I looked around. A soon-to-be-king-of-Gondor, an elf prince from Mirkwood, descendant of Durin, prince of Rohan, who was a king now, and a couple thousand years old wizard. Not a bad combination for a war. For another suicide mission.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go kill some orcs. Though I am quite sick of them." 

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