We go to kick Sauron's ass

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Couple thousand men were marching up to the Black Gate. I had found an ownerless white stallion in the stables, who told me his name was Jerrod, and was riding him beside Legolas currently.

I've never been this much near Mordor in my life, only heard stories and tales about it. Seeing the Black Gate in real life, I was overwhelmed by it's massive size. And for a second I doubted my choice of coming here. Only for a second, though. The doors were still closed, as if they didn't know we were here to kill them all.

"Let the lord of the black land come forth! Let justice be down upon him," Aragorn spoke.

There was nothing. No screeches of nazguls, or screams of orcs. Silence continued for a while, so I decide to give a little push.

"Get your pretty orcs out here, Sauron! We're here to kick your ass. Not that you have one," I said, glaring up at the gate. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Gandalf, Pippin, Merry, and even Eomer turned their eyes to me and I gave them a look saying 'what, you got a problem?' The door started to creak open, and a rider came out. I was expecting for some stupid orcs to come running towards us, so it was kinda a surprise.

The rider's horse was black, and was wearing a full armor that I felt bad for him or her. The horse wasn't in a good condition. I called out to it.

Hey, horse. My name is Taurieth. What's yours?

Elves! Kill! Blood!

That horse was clearly brainwashed and tortured at least a hundred times to say something like that to an elf. I tried again.

I'm here to help you.

Help. Hate. Halfings. Hurt.

After that, I gave up trying to communicate with the horse because the rider started talking. I could only see it's mouth, and it wasn't a pretty mouth, I tell ya.

"My master, Sauron the Great bids thee welcome," he said. I had a strong urge to just stick an arrow in his neck so I could stop looking at it's disgusting and horrible mouth. Seriously, what does this guy eat? Blood? Probably.

"Is there any in this rout with authority to treat me?"

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this. The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return," Gandalf answered sternly.

"Aha! Old Greybeard! I have a token I was bidden to show thee," he said as he held up a mithril shirt. That was really rare these days. How did a creature like him get his hands on something like that?

"Frodo," Pippin whispered. Frodo? So it was one of the hobbits's? How come a hobbit owned a mithril? World surely had changed the last 500 years I spent in Fangorn. The rider threw the mithril shirt at Gandalf, and he caught it.

"Frodo!" Pippin cried out.

"Silence!" Gandalf warned.

"No!" Merry was the one to cry out this time.

"Silence!" Gandalf ordered again.

"The Halfling was dear to thee I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did Gandalf, he did," the rider said, clearly enjoying the pain two hobbits were feeling. However, I wasn't.

"I'd very much like to kill him, Mithrandir. Do you mind if I stick an arrow between this... disgusting creature's eyes?" I asked politely, my hands automatically grabbing an arrow from the quiver. The rider turned to face me. It took all of my will power to not throw up everything I ate the last few years at his face.

"Aha. The she-elf. Thy was quite a pain to my master. He'd still forgive thee if thee decides to join him."

"In his dreams. Gandalf, I'm losing my patience," I said as I nocked an arrow, ready to fire any time.

"And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a King than a broken Elvish blade," the rider insulted Aragorn. That was it, the last stroke. I fired an arrow to the middle of his eyes, killing him instantly. At the same time, Aragorn cut off the head with his sword.

"I guess that concludes negotiations," Gimli grumbled behind Legolas. I jumped off from Jerrod to get my arrow back. It was covered with disgusting blood, but at least I could still use it.

"I don't believe it. I will not believe it," Aragorn said. As if the death of the horrifying rider was the cue, the Black Gate fully opened, revealing the ten thousand orcs within.

"Now might be a good time to pull back," I muttered as I got on Jerrod again.

You rocked, Taurieth! I hear Jerrod in my head.

Thank you, Jerrod.

"Pull back! Pull back!" Aragorn shouted and we ran back to the soldiers that were waiting for us. I could see fears and uncertainty in their eyes. Who could blame them? More than half of them were probably going to die here. I got off of Jerrod, and ordered him to go back to Minas Tirith. I had no intention of watching another horse I rode get killed in the battle field. Besides, with an army like that coming to kill you, horses weren't much of a help.

"Hold your ground! Hold your ground!" Aragorn shouted, riding across the front of the army. "Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight!"

He would make a splendid king, I was sure of that.

"By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand! Men of the West!" At his final words, all of the soldiers unsheathed their weapons and stood their ground. Aragorn raised up his sword and faced the coming enemies.

"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with two elves," Gimli said, looking at the marching orcs. Me and Legolas looked at each other.

"What about side by side... with two friends?" Legolas asked, giving him a smile. Gimli looked at him, then at me.

"Aye. I could do that."

"Great! Let's go kill come orcs," I replied, giving Gimli a smirk. Then I look at Legolas, and gave him a silent message. Don't get yourself killed, and... well, I love you. I think he got it, or at least I hope he did.

"Aragorn... Elessar...... She-elf..." I heard the eye of Sauron speak. I gladly would have fired an arrow to the eye, but I knew it was a waste of my good old arrows. So I just gave him a death glare. Aragorn turned to look at us and gave us a smile. I wondered if I'd ever see it again.

"For Frodo," he said. Then he charged towards the enemy. Pippin and Merry followed him screaming, and soon the entire army was running after him. I fired an arrow as I ran, killing an orc instantly. The biggest fight of my life was starting, and I hoped that I wouldn't get killed.

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