back to Edoras

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When I arrived at the Golden Hall, it was night already. From the hall came a laughter of joy. I got off from Vaile, and took her to the stables. She went in without a struggle. Usually when I tried to put her in there, she would do all sorts of things to get out. But she had run a long way and was looking for some rest. She licked me once more and layed down, dozing off to sleep. I got out and made my way to the Golden Hall. I went inside, and found it very loud, bright and full of people. It had all the condition of a celebration, which I hated. Well, all I had to do was to find Gandalf, and things would magically work out, I hoped. I spotted Legolas with Gimli. Seemed like they were having a drinking game, which reminded me of my drinks I had to get from them. Legolas noticed me and smiled while still drinking. I smiled back and searched for Gandalf once more.

"But the only brew for the brave and true...comes from the Green Dragon!" I heard someone yell. Looking at the direction, I saw the two liitle hobbits I met at the Isengard. Seemed like they were enjoying themselves. I spotted Gandalf clapping to their performance. Oh! Gandalf! I found him. When I was about to reach him, I saw Aragorn coming to him, so I decided to wait a bit more.

"No news of Frodo?" He asked. Frodo? Who was he? Perhaps another hobbit, I thought.

"No word. Nothing." Gandalf answered.

"We have time. Everyday Frodo moves closer to Mordor." Aragorn said. What? A hobbit going to Mordor? Now that was news.

"Do we know that?" Gandalf asked.

"What does your heart tell you?" Aragorn asked back. Why was everyone using that sentence? Treebeard, And then Aragorn too?

"That Frodo is alive. Yes. Yes, he is alive." Gandalf said.

"So. Who is this 'Frodo' Mithrandir?" I asked sneaking quietly behind them. Aragorn jumped, and Gandalf had a funny expression on.

"Taurieth! You're back!" Aragorn said hugging me tight. Too tight.

"Yes. Do you mind letting go? I can't breath." I answered patting his back. Aragorn let go, laughing. Gandalf just smiled.

"I believe it wasn't an easy decision to make, my dear. What made you come back?" Gandalf asked.

"Following my heart." I answered simply. It was truth. I mean, I did follow my heart. Aragorn and Gandalf both smiled. I looked at Gandalf's eyes. Time to answer the big question.

"Mithrandir, why is a hobbit journeying to Mordor? And why would anyone need a fellowship with all sorts of races mixed? Tell me the truth." I demanded. Aragorn looked at me, surprised by the fact I know. Gandalf just sighed.

"It's a long story, Taurieth." He said. I crossed my arms.

"I've got time." I answered. Then Gandalf started the story which I remembered for the rest of my life.

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