I will stay with you

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 *Third person POV*

 Legolas and Gimli were hung up on a tree. Three guards were trying hard not to get choked. Glindir was on a tree, too. Thranduil was looking up at the young elf with horror in his eyes. And Taurieth felt anger rushing through her veins.

 "You'll pay," Taurieth whispered quietly so only Thranduil could hear.

 "Taurieth! This isn't you!" Glindir shouted, desperate to get some sense knocked into her and to save his king.

 "For the first time, I agree with an elf! You're no murderer, lass!" Gimli said, trying to chop off the branch with his axe. He didn't have much luck.

 They were all struggling to get free from the trees. It was harder than it sounded. Glindir's arms were absolutely tangled on the branches, so he had no hope of cutting his way out. Legolas and Gimli weren't much better, but their hands were free, at least. So both of them were trying to cut out the branches that held them from their ankles, feeling the blood rushing to their brains.

 "Is this how you repay your parents? By killing the one they saved with their lives? You are making their death meaningless, Taurieth. Stop this, now!" Legolas said. "He is my father!"

 "And he killed my parents, Legolas! What do you expect me to do?" Taurieth yelled furiously, taking her eyes off from Thranduil for the first time.

 "Please, Taurieth. Don't kill him. For me," Legolas pleaded, tears glistening in his eyes.

 Taurieth looked down at the king of Mirkwood. He didn't look so kingly now, with his dirty robes, helpless on the ground with fear of death in his eyes.

 "You killed them," Taurieth said quietly, glaring at Thranduil. "Their blood is on your hands."

 "Yes," Thranduil whispered.

 The trio on the trees sighed, glad to see that Taurieth wasn't killing the king, yet. Legolas took out one of his blades, hoping to cut the branches with it.

 "You should have died in their place," Taurieth said, her grip on the dagger hardening. Thranduil said nothing. He knew that if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't be here. He would have experienced the dragon fire burning his flesh, turning him into ashes. He didn't, and it was because of her parents.

 "I'm sorry," Thranduil said.

 Taurieth tore her eye away from him and looked up at the sky. I'm sorry. He should have said that a few centuries ago. But he meant what he said. He could hear it in his voice.

 She felt her anger fade away, and the forest sensed it too. She closed her eyes and commanded the forest to let go of the elves and the dwarf. Legolas and Gimli immediately fell to the ground, face forward, while Glindir jumped down gracefully. Taurieth opened her eyes, letting out a deep breath. She found the king of the woodland realm on his feet, hair messy, crown gone, looking down at her. They said nothing, only stared at each other.

 "They are buried at the royal cemetery. For saving my life," Thranduil said gently, unsure of how she would take it. Taurieth nodded, tears forming in her eyes. It felt nice, knowing they got the respect they deserved.

 "Thank you," Taurieth muttered, her gaze dropping to the dagger in her hands. She put it away.

 Suddenly Legolas ran to her and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug as if their life depended on it.

 "You scared the hell out of us," Legolas whispered. Taurieth swallowed back her tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of Thranduil. She couldn't.

 "Sorry," Taurieth whispered back. Legolas pulled back and looked at her. He then kissed her on the lips softly, holding her face in his hands.

 "Will you stay here?" Legolas asked, looking into her forest-green eyes. Taurieth looked back into his eyes, the blue eyes that she never thought she would care, much less love. Yet here she was, face to face with the prince of Mirkwood, in Mirkwood, the last place she thought she would end up in. She found forgiveness in her. She forgave Thranduil, after over 500 years.

 "I will stay with you in Mirkwood," she said smiling, which Legolas returned. Then leaned in to kiss her once more, ignoring the surprised eyes around them.

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