Legolas is leveled up

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 Yeah. I'll admit it. It was kinda cool to kiss a prince. And it was super cool to know that I have a chance for another life.

The kiss didn't last long, because I pulled away a little afterwards. We looked at each other, and he's face was red. I'm sure mine was too. I smiled and he smiled, and our smile turned into a laughter.

"What was THAT for???" I asked, laughing. He looked embarrassed of himself, and chuckled nervously.

"Honestly, I have no idea what just happened," he answered. That made me laugh even more. But then I stopped. He wouldn't have done that without any reasons, would he?

"No, seriously. Why did you did that, Legolas?" I asked again, looking at him. He stopped laughing too. There was a hesitation. Then he took a deep breath.

"I lo-"

"What are you two doing there? Planning to kill orcs?" Gimli asked from behind. I turned around in a flash, and so did Legolas, who was just answering my question. Damn it Gimli! Why did you have to come now?!

"Nothing," Legolas said, his face blank. I was just about to say the same thing. And then I got a crazy idea.

"Hi, Gimli. I was just telling Legolas that Aragorn tossed you at the battle of the Helm's deep," I said, trying to sound as innocent as I can, but there was a devilish grin on my face when I said that. Legolas had an amused look on his face, and started to laugh, a quiet one. But a little while later, it became louder and Gimli was trying to shut him down. They were creating so much noise that Aragorn came to see what it was about.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking at the elf and the dwarf, one laughing and one angry.

"I might or might not have told Legolas that Gimli was tossed at the battle of the Helm's deep," I said, a small smirk coming up my mouth. Aragorn looked at me in disbelief.

"You didn't really say that?" he said.

"Look at them! Isn't it so funny? A dwarf running after an elf?" I said, bursting into laughter. The scene was a comedy itself. The short stout dwarf, panting and his face bright red, heavily running after a tall, muscular elf, who was laughing as he ran. It was quite an entertainment, you know.

"I... will....... kill.... you.... by the..... Durin's .... beard, you... stinking.... ELF!!! I... will... kill...... you..... BOTH!!!!" Gimli yelled as he ran, panting fro breath between each words. God this was hilarious!

"Alright, Gimli. That's enough!" Aragorn said getting in front of him and preventing him from running after Legolas. Gimli tried to break free like some kind of mad dog, but Aragorn didn't let go. Legolas stopped running and came to stand beside me.

"Did he really got tossed?" he asked.

"Yeah. And Aragorn promised to not tell you. But I didn't," I said, making us both chuckle.

Aragorn managed to get Gimli inside a room on the ship, and returned with an exhausted look on his face.

"Taurieth, you owe me one," he said, looking at me. I faked a surprised look.


"You have no idea how hard it is to put an angry and shouting dwarf in a room and lock the door," he said. And I laughed again. God I was laughing a lot these days. That's good, right? Laughing is good.

"I'll save your life once when I can, deal?" I suggested, holding out my hand for him to take. He took it and gripped firmly.


"Alright, then! How much more time to Gondor, Captain Aragorn?" I asked jokingly.

"We're almost there," Legolas answered, his eyes fixed along the land that was coming closer and closer. I exhaled.

"Better get Gimli out. He wouldn't want to miss this, would he?" I said, and Aragorn went to get him. Little while later he came back, with Gimli, who's face was still red. As soon as he saw me, he tried to knock me down, but I stepped sideway and he fell down on his face.

"Come on, Gimli. I can't have you faint when there's an orc army we're sailing to," I said, helping him get up. He grunted.

"This is not the end. You mark my words, Taurieth. I will have my revenge!" He shouted. Just then the King of the Green Ghosts appeared.

"I need to talk to you," he said and turned away. What was he expecting me to do? Follow him? I looked at my companions, and waved a little good bye. When we were far away from them that I supposed only Legolas can hear us, the King started to talk.

"You know that you have powers. What can you do right now?" He asked.

"I can drag the seaweed out of the sea and chock your neck, if that's what you want to know," I answered. I was NOT happy with this question. I felt like I was being tested and I didn't like being tested!

"So you can manipulate plants. Anything else?"

"No. I never tried what I could do,"

"Close your eyes," he said. I stared at him, and he stared back. Sighing, I did so. There was a queer feeling like something inside me was being lifted, then something else taking its place. Then a pain occurred to my heart, and I lord my eyes, gasping.

"What was that?"

"Now you can do more than just manipulating plants to your emotions. They will obey your command, no matter how impossible it may seem," the ghost said. What? I'm going to be some kind of weird plant controlling elf? Well I have never heard of such.

"Why now?" I asked, suddenly aware of the fact that I was going to a war.

"I don't want you dying in Gondor. You have much to do yet," he said. And he disappeared. Well that was what Galadriel and Elrond would say. And I heard Gandalf say that to me once. That was the same thing about wise weird powerful magician, I suppose. I decided to see what I could do with my 'new powers'. What should I say? Oh how about this; grab the dwarf and hang him upside down. An evil grin came up, and I made my way back to the companions. When I was close enough, I repeated the sentence in my head over and over again, my eyes closed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Gimli screamed. I open my eyes. There was a pillar of seaweeds coming out from the water, and it had grabbed Gimli by the ankle. Aragorn and Legolas's swords were out, and I was surprised. So that's what I could do. I said release on my head, and Gimli fell to the ground with a thud.

"What was THAT?!?!?!?!" Gimli exclaimed. I walked to them, pretending nothing happened.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He was hung upside down by a giant pillar of seaweed," Legolas answered.

"Well that's surprising," I said. Aragorn senses something in my voice and looked at me with his eyebrows frowned, but I faked a look. I was great at faking looks. I should have done it more often. Gimli stood up, grunting.

"It'll be the death of me if I stay on this ship anytime longer,"

"You don't have to. We're already here," I said. On the shore, there were orcs waiting for us. How nice of them! I looked around my friends. When I saw Legolas, the dream of me dying came back like a flashback. If I die here, then so be it. I couldn't care less. I wish I couldn't care less. I didn't want to die here! I had a lot, perhaps a tons of things to do! I had a dwell left with Eowyn, Pippin should sharpen my daggers, and I should pay my debt to Legolas, and go visit Mirkwood one more time. I couldn't die here. And I was sure there were feelings for this Elven Prince. He was being leveled up to something more than a friend. I couldn't die here. With that as my last thought, the ship touched the ground.

I'm sorry if there were any mistakes. I had no time so I had to do it quickly. hope you enjoyed it!

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