Thirty Nine

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Short chapter


Two weeks later

My stomach aches like bitch. My ribs hurt and I just don't feel right. And Stokeley gonna ask me is my Period here? Does it look like I'm bleeding. If that was the case I wouldn't be screaming in pain like I was dying hoe.

"Baby I don't know what else to do, I've given you massages and Medicine and thousands of baths," Stokeley sighed. "You wanna go to the hospital?"

I tensed up. I haven't been to the hospital since..


I made my hands into fists and the ground began to shake.

"Aye aye calm down your making the damn house shake," he told me.

I glared at him and tilted my head. "Don't tell me to calm down! I'm dying you stupid son of a bitch!" I lay my hands go and snapped my fingers and a picture frame smacked him in the head.

"Oh you wanna go there, bet," he tilted his head and smirked, seconds later a basketball hit me in my stomach.

"You whore!" I tilted my head and frowned. I looked at some books on a bookshelf and a bunch of them flew and hit him. Then I formed my hands into fists and levitated Stokeley. I flung him across the room and threw the book shelf on him. And I didn't even have to move a muscle.

"Okay okay lets go to the hospital I'm sorry."

He helped me up and we walked out of him room.

"Babe pick up some pizza when you come back," his mom told him.

"Okay," He said before we walked out the front door and into his car.

At the hospital:

"So What does that mean?" I asked the doctor.

"Your uterus has been moved, rather shoved behind your ribcage. Usually this happens after cases of rape or extremely rough sex," she explained.

I glared at Stokeley and titled my head.

He let out a yelp of pain and held his dick. Yeah I just gave him cramps in his dick.

"Well have to schedule a surgery." The doctor told us.

"Okay," I sighed

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