Fairy Tail

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Natsu POV

Heh that weakling finally left. 

"NATSU!" Erza yelled


"We're going on a mission gather everyone and meet up at noon."

"Aye! Lisanna let's go we're going on a mission, Wendy ,Ice princess meet at the train station at noon."

3rd POV

Natsu was running late it was ten past 12:00 and Erza was getting mad. If you looked closing you could see a strange figure in the distance running as fast as it can go. As Natsu arrived Erza and the others had already boarded the train waiting for Natsu. Shortly after Natsu was on the train, the train started moving oh that was hell for Natsu. 

"H-hey.... Erza.. what's the j-job we're doing." Natsu barley said

"Oh the job right, the job is to kill a monster that's been kidnapping the villages' kids. We're getting paid 826,700 jewels. Erza stated 

~Time Skip~

Natsu's POV

Finally we're off that death trap

"I am never going on that death trap again."

"Flame for brains you say that every time." Gray yelled

"What are you yelling at ice stripper."

"You want to go pyro maniac." Gray challeged

"You're going down popsicle stick."

"Do I hear fighting" Erza questioned

"No ma'm" we said in unison

"Good, now let's find the mayor." Erza replied as we followed behind her. After a few hours of walking we finally found the mayors home. Erza softly knocked on the door and a maid came out ushering us in. The maid led us to a garden there stood a short man.

"So, you must be the mages I have sent for, am I right." The short man said

"Hai, we are from Fairy Tail, are you by chance the mayor." Erza politely said

"Aw yes, indeed I am." The man now known as the mayor replied

"Is there any information that we need to know about this monster." Erza said

"Yes, yes there is. The monster comes late at night around midnight. He makes quite a ruckus when taking the kids. The monster will smash the house open grabbing the child in the process. After grabbing about 10-20 kids the monster will leave. The monster started taking kids 2 weeks ago. Please help us save our town and the kids it has already taken." The mayor said with a sad tone

"Hai, thank you for the information we'll stop this monster and save the children thank you for your time." Erza said 

We finally left the mayors house and found a hotel for the night. Lisanna and I are walking around town with Happy. While Gray and Erza went off in a group. There's nothing really to explore most of it is destroyed anyways. Lisanna's been extra clinging lately and it's a little annoying. I mean i love her, I would die for her, but sometimes she gets really annoying.

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