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I found this song relatable to what I was writing, but if you want to listen to song I used to write this just look up "It's quite Uptown" Alexander Hamiltion!

Also I just created a new discord chat. Please join. I'd like to talk with new people, but I'm too introverted to join a chat with 10+ people that's already made.


Sorry, I've edited this a few times. Some of us writers have experienced Wattpad be a jerk and delete all your progress. I've rewritten this twice. I'm done thx for your time.


Sorry I hate author notes too, but some of my friends are confused about why I chose certain characters to stay and protect Lucy. I know most "Lucy Revenge Stories" choose certain people because they're Lucy's friends or because they're misunderstood or becuase they just chose random characters, but I have a different reason as to why I chose each character.

A reminder of the people i chose to stay and protect Lucy are Juvia, Wendy, the exceeds, Laxus, Evergreen, Bickslow, Freed, and Mira. I chose each character because of their stories. Each one has faced the same thing Lucy went through. All of them know what it feels like when to be abandoned. 

Fairy Tail Episode 25

Juvia made it rain all the time because she couldn't control the rain. Everyone disliked her because the she made it rain all the time. It was gloomy where she went. People didn't want to be around her because they couldn't do fun things outside. 

Anime Debut Episode 49 Oración Seis arc

We meet Wendy in this arc. Wendy was first abanoned by her dragon Grandeeney, but soon found by Jellal. Jellal soon leaves with Cait shelter her now deceased guild. Wendy grows up with Carla in Cait shelter. She meets Team Natsu when all the guilds sent represenatives to beat Oracion Seis. After the Oracion Seis business Wendy is soon left alone when she finds out her guild isn't real. Luckily Team Natsu take her back to Fairy Tail and she becmes part of Team Natsu. She was lost and now she's found.

I picked the exceeds because they alwyas follow their dragon slayer. However, Happy is a slightly different case than the other two. Natsu is siding against Lucy and Happy has to choose between Lucy or Natsu. But in the end Happy chooses Lucy because he nows Natsu is in the wrong and because the other exceeds are on the otherside. Happy is known to be a very loyal partner and guild member so it's hard for him to side with the guild he grew up in and Natsu against Lucy, but after some thought and convincing from the other exceeds Happy stays by Lucy'side.

Laxus kinda stck to himself. He didn't really like other people. And after is father (Ivan Dreyar) was kicked from the guild Laxus became cold and distant. After Ivan implanted a dragon lacrima? in Laxus, Laxus was left behind to figure out his powers by himself. Soon he met the now Thunder Legion.

Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow were picked not because they are with Laxus, but because they understand what it's like to be hated by many. In my own opinion and what I think happened with these three were they were shunned because of their magic. Specfically, their eye magic. Freed has dark ecriture, Evergreen has stone eyes, and Bickslow has figure eyes. I feel like people were scared at getting close to these three because they might get curse, turn into stone, or loose their soul and become oen Bickslow's dolls/ puppets.

Finally, Mira was chose because she knows what it's like to be hated. MIra's village hated and feared her because of her magic. She had demon takeover. People thought she was cursed and stayed far away from her and her siblings. Mira wanted to leave for her siblings sake, but they stayed by her side and soon joined Fairy Tail. You would think Mira would choose Lisanna over Lucy because they are siblings, but becuase Mira knowns what resentment feels like and refuses to wish it upon people that don't derserve it, she refuses to stand by her sisters side and stay by Lucy all the way.


My next update for one of my stories probably won't be for awhile school is going to start soon so I have to prepare for that. I also need to find someone I can leech on for English notes and Math, and Science. 

If any of you guys are still confused on why I chose these characters or where I'm going with this story just ask. I would tell you now, but where's the fun in that. 

Also, final thing I think maybe, Haikyuu manga, omg it has been a fun 8 years and any haikyuu fans, hi (lol, I sound cringey).

Also, final thing I think maybe, Haikyuu manga, omg it has been a fun 8 years and any haikyuu fans, hi (lol, I sound cringey)

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Okay last thing (probably not) I might drop a story. I'm sure which I know i said I'll finish all of them, but I have ideas for any of my stories. I'm planing to drop Sting's Empress, but I'm not sure. 

Okay I'm done now. Thanks for reading everyone join the discord (Please I'm desperate to make more friends) :)


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