These Feelings

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Nathan's POV

'She's just so amazing. After being betrayed by her nakama she still hesitates to take revenge. She's to good for this world. I can't help falling in love with my best friend. We've known each other since we were little. How can Fairy Tail hurt the nicest person in the world. These feelings won't go away. I recently found scars littered all over her body. My conclusion is Fairy Tail hurt her so bad she became depressed which makes me even more mad to know these people she considered family could hurt her this bad. I love her so much which makes me want to kill the Fairies, but Lucy still hesitates to take revenge. She keeps saying they weren't in there right state of mind. This girl, Lucy, just makes me go crazy no matter what happens she just can't make herself hate people. Even if they ignored her and attacked her. Stabbed her in the back she just can't bring herself to hate them. She considered- I mean considers them family no matter the circumstances.'


This is just a filler chapter for you guys. I'll try to update soon. Tbh I don't even know where this story is going. I might abandon this story.

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