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Chapter two.

"You're four?" Jimin fake gasped, this made the little boy giggle. "We're almost at my house, can you be a good boy when we're there?" He asked, the boy in the back made an agreeing noise.

Soon, Jimin parked the car, he unbulked Yoonie, then picked him up, carrying him inside. "It's quite late, do you want anything to eat?" Jimin asked the boy, Yoonie smiled, shaking his head.

He was hungry earlier but secretly ate a red crayon, that he had stolen from the restaurant, in the back.

He knew he shouldn't have, but it was red. Jimin cooked a small dish, he left it in the microwave, after releasing the rules he placed Yoonie on his lap, watching a cartoon.

"What's it about, Min?" Yoonie asked, as the television blasted of some loud music, "two superheroes in Paris." Jimin replied, soon, after they had binged watched the entire series, Jimin had begun to feel tired, he noticed that Yoonie hadn't lost his energy.

"Let's head to bed." Jimin picked up Yoonie, turning off the television since Jimin didn't own a cot, he placed Yoonie in his bed, "that's the bathroom if you need to go to the toilet poke me." With that Jimin began to get comfortable.

It was nearly midnight, Yoonie was still awake, while Jimin had fallen asleep. Yoonie could feel the red crayon coming back up, yet he didn't want to wake Jimin up. So he stood, waddling out the room, towards the bathroom.

That's when he noticed a strange shadow downstairs, Yoonie waddled to the edge of the stairs, before screaming.

Jimin startled up, hearing Yoonie scream. He ran towards the door, pulling it open. Jimin rushed over to the crying boy, "little one, what is it?" The boy pointed to the living room, "wolf."

Jimin walked downstairs, flicking on the lights. He sighed, pulling Yoonie closer to him.

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" Jimin asked, sitting on the couch was Taehyung, beside him was his pet dog. "Thought I would pay you a visit, when did you get a child?" He asked, "looking after him for a friend." Jimin replied.

Soon the two, Taehyung with his dog, left the house.

"Little one, that was not a wolf, that was Kook, Taehyung's pet dog," Jimin told him, suddenly, Yoonie realised he never went to the bathroom, upon Jimin, Yoonie threw up the colour red.

"The crayons?" Jimin replied, before rushing to grab a carrier bag, he let the boy continue to be sick in the bag.

"I want to talk to Papa with Daddy." The boy cried, Jimin rushed for his phone, calling the boy's parents. "This is Jin?"

"Yoonie's throwing up red, I think it's the crayons," Jimin spoke into the phone, in the background you could hear Jin telling Namjoon to grab his things. "Yoonie's hungry." The little boy cried, this made the two on the phone hurry.

Yoonie stopped throwing up, he eyed up Jimin's neck. He watched Jimin panic, as he moved his soft, pink lips closer to him.

Jimin sat still, thinking Yoonie was passing out. He felt the younger suck on his neck, making bitting noises.

Then he heard a smash through the window. In stepped Taehyung, with him was his dog. The dog lunged at Yoonie, but Taehyung held him back. "I bought sick tablets." He held a packet of tablets, they forced some down Yoonie's throat, as the younger now has steady breathing.

The door was kicked down, as Jin rushed in with a bag of fruit juice, Namjoon following with another door in his hands.

The couple sighed once they realized Yoonie was now drinking the juice happily, "heats almost over." Namjoon spoke to Jin, "Jimin could have him still.'

Taehyung watched his dog glare at the couple, to which Jin turned around. He bent down, "cute, what's his name?" Jin asked, Taehyung smiled. "Jungkook."

"How's his heat going?" He asked, Taehyung choked. "Are you his mate?"
"I'm his mate, but there's three of us."

It was now late at night, everyone has went home. Jimin was sitting on his bed with Yoonie in his arms, he watched the boy drink his fruit juice.

When the boy smiled, it made Jimin happy.

The little boy bit onto Jimin's finger,  "tasty, it's a good red." Yoonie smiled. "Fuck, your teeth are sharp, are those fangs?" Jimin asked.

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