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Jimin looked down at the little, he stood with big pouty lips and seemed to be staring with starving eyes. The little wasn't crying but he hung his fangs low, a dangerous low ready to feast. His hands were placed harshly on his tiny waist.

"Hungry!" Yoonie threw his arms up and started to stamp on the ground, he cried louder and louder. "Stop, please." Jimin placed his two hands onto the younger's rosy cheeks that were tear-stained, he kissed the younger on the forehead.

Moving onto the cheeks, then onto his neck. The vampire stopped sobbing and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling he had, the warm tingling feeling between his thighs.

Soon the little boy had vanished, and now within Jimin's strong arms was the boy. He still had his eyes shut and the lovely feeling was still apparent, and he wasn't wanting it to go any time soon. He pushed his body closer towards the younger, trying to make this feeling more prominent.

"Who's being a good boy?" Jimin whispered gruffly, his eyes darting up and down the boy who was blushing heavily. "I am!" Yoongi barked in reply happily, completely enjoying being complimented.

"Hungry still, baby?" Jimin asked, pulling away from kissing the boy's forehead. The boy was sad because he was no longer being kissed, but he nodded. He was no longer in little space, but back to his alter, himself, his big space.

"Hungry, " Yoongi mumbled, he was vaguely still present. Little Yoonie was more in the mindset, he was seeing all this was happily calling out for his daddy. But in the view was Yoongi.

Jimin hummed.
"Do you want to drink?" He asked, tracing little circles on the boy's chest. He nodded instantly, his fangs hung out his mouth. Licking his lips every now and then, looking down on the floor but ever so often looking up at Jimin's neck.

"Are you Yoongi or little, baby?" Jimin waited for a response, Yoongi pouted a little. He hadn't really spoken and couldn't form much into a sentence, perhaps it was Yoonie present, but no it can't be. As much as Yoonie was definitely someone who loved the attention and loved it from Jimin, this was not the little; instead was the vampire himself, Yoongi.

"Yoon- Gi, " came his stuttered reply, his cheeks rosy pink and coated his honey colouring from the deep sun behind the flowing curtains that opened into the busy city. "Hungry, Minnie, I am hungry!" He cried, fangs slightly poking throw Jimin's laced shirt and touching the skin with such coldness.

Jimin hushed the boy, looking down with such love and kindness. He wasn't one to rush this moment, and waited for the moment he was to bite down. Jimin rose his neck up, but Yoongi was quick to refuse.

"No! Look already, your neck has already been my canvas, it's decorated fully and not enough space left for me to decorate it any more, " the vampire rose his left arm gently, swiping away at the smooth skin of the younger's neck. "However, your chest and wrists are empty, not coloured in your crimson blood and not decorated by me. How sad am I? I want to decorate everywhere on you, every little skin showing or not."

The vampire pushed himself up, his deep and condescending eyes peering towards the emptiness of the man's chest. He rose himself higher than the boy, with a bland and emotionless expression printed detailed upon his stone-cold features. Slowly tilting his head to look into the man's eyes, raising his eyebrows before the corners of his lips twisted upwards. Now creating a small, little mischievous grin that plastered over the man's once empty features.

"Maybe- maybe if I coat your chest and wrists in such a lovely shade, would- would that make you less upset?" He asked gently, watching Jimin's sudden halt and bit his bottom lip with anxiousness. Was he being too bold? What if Jimin hated this side of him?

Watching the man's once strong and confident body language seem to disperse, Jimin pulled him down with light and a gentle tug, he watched the male fall onto him with such delicacy. The male staying upon the other's chest, his hands not knowing what to do and finding themselves sprouted across all the man's laced chest.

"Go on, tell me. What are you going to do?" Jimin slyly spoke into the man's ear, letting his breath leave warmth against the vampire's neck. "I- I'm going to coat your pretty sun skin in crimson blood, allowing the warm liquid to trail down and leave stains," Yoongi reassured himself. He placed his hand on the male's lace and took a deep breath.

"Go on, babe."
He placed his hand onto the lace's buttons, he was super hungry and just behind the pretty design laid his pretty meal.

The male finally had his meal in front of him, slowly lowering himself down onto the warm skin and laid his head for a little. Allowing Jimin's soft and gentle breathing to calm his anxiety down.

He slowly twisted the man's wrist, he slowly kissed the area he was to eat from and bit down. Allowing the man to first grunt in pain at the bite, then have his heavy breathing fluttered. The crimson colour then dripped out immediately, allowing the once clean tanned skin to be coated in such a red colour.

"Be gentle?" Yoongi asked cautiously, not wanting to hurt the man he loved dearly. But of course, he would never tell the brunette, never tell him how much he loved the man. How much he wanted to kiss, drink and adore this man.

He didn't.
But his head started to have sharp pains, and he didn't want to stop drinking. It was as if a huge urge came upon him to drink the man below him completely to a shell, but he wouldn't.

He couldn't.
He loved this man.

However, he could never tell him.
'Love' that's what pained him. He couldn't tell the man in case he left the boy alone, to never fall in love. He wouldn't tell.

But Yoonie did and he just found out.
The man immediately stopped, eyes tearing up and looking down onto the other on the floor. With his pink tickles scattered across the man's cheeks, his body tensed and excited.

"I got to leave."
The male stood up, leaving a confused Jimin on the ground watching the young vampire run towards the front door and never looking back. Jimin sat up, the male had left him, gone.

Just like he feared that he would be left alone, even after he was to say he also loved him. The young boy sobbed loudly, eyes never leaving the door and to only hear the echo of his phone ring.

Answering it with shaking hands a tear-stained face. "Taehyung, he left me." It ended, Taehyung was to come for him.


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