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Jimin stood blankly with the cooker on, in the background came Yoonie's little cries of joy as he ran threw the house happily giggling and humming soft songs. He flipped one pancake, awaiting for the golden colour to paint the batter deliciously and to set into the atmosphere the aroma of the delicious and mouthwatering taste.

Yoonie was the quickest to smell this, he immediately stopped babbling and placed down the small chicken plushie he was playing with as an aeroplane. The little waddled over as quickly as he could and took his tiny, joyful body to the front entrance of the archway towards the kitchen.

Jimin was still blanky staring down at the pancake, only vaguely paying attention to make sure he doesn't burn his baby's pancakes. The little came in, his feet gently making pitter noises on the lament floor. He giggled seeing his daddy cooking, thinking how much he wants to surprise attack with his speciality; cuddles.

But he didn't.
The little vampire bit down onto his top lip with anxiety, suddenly thoughts entered rapidly. What if Jimin was going to ignore his baby because Yoongi likes him. Yoonie gripped his fists angrily with a huge pout. Eyes directing towards the brunette that was flipping the pancakes onto the plate.

Covering with strawberries and grapes, overtopping it with sugar, Jimin finally tried to comprehend what had occurred over in the last 25minutes.

Yoonie called him 'Dada', bathed with the little and was told that Yoongi liked him. Jimin felt bad, super bad.
His mind was all mixed up and he couldn't do anything but stress, he wanted to cry and cry and cry until he felt better. To hide away from all this.

It wasn't that he was ashamed of Yoongi liking him, not at all. In fact, he was honoured, meeting this boy and overtime loving him. It was insecurities. What if Yoongi was to hate him because of his past?

Jimin felt himself tear up, shaking with absolute fear and a horrible mindset. The man tried to find his chair but he couldn't, he just stayed paralysed beside the now full plate. Ready to calm down and call the little in, he choked back a sob.

But it wasn't effective.
A loud sob erupted from the young man's throat, he broke down in his kitchen and forgot of his echoing walls. But the little could see this all occur, the poor little boy watched his daddy break down into little pieces and wipe away any running tears that followed.

"Dada, " the little-watched heartbroken, not thinking of himself at the time or the dangers of the kitchen like he was told back at home. "Daddy!" He cried, running towards the young man and wrapping his little arms around the man's tiny waist.

Trying to think of what big Yoongi would do in the situation, but he couldn't be big. The big Yoongi was fearfully watching inside and couldn't come out, he was too stressed and was falling lower and lower into his mind space. Little Yoonie shook his head when an idea immediately struck.

He gave the man little kisses on his back, little pecks every now and then. Making the taller man feel his warm breath each time he pulled back, the little felt the man stop shaking and the loud sobs had finished. Only little whimpers every now and then.

"Jin would do this time each time I cried, and it calms me down, daddy, " Yoonie kissed again and again. Soon it was all silent, the older boy spun on his heels and looked at the little watching him with big, curious and innocent eyes.

"Sorry Yoonie, baby, sorry you had to see me like this, it won't happen again, " Yoonie pulled back his lips reacting with such an odd expression. "'Gain? But 'ts okay daddy, you can be you! It's, uh, hu-humane, " little Yoonie was trying to use vocabulary that he had read in his big space.

"Yoonie you're such a lovely boy, but here I've cooked for you, baby." Jimin hoisted up the little and poked his nose, giggling the little scrunched his nose and felt himself gently placed into a chair.

"Pancakies!" Yoonie cried happily, opening his mouth and babbling again, his little fangs showing. "Yum yum yummy yummy, " he joyful stared down at the plate, tasting the pancakes quickly. Which was alright for they were warm, delicious and not hot for the little one.

"Yummy?" Jimin cooed at the little boy, watching the little's cheeks full of the warm mixture.
His cheeks chubby and pink, eyes closed happily and hands holding tightly onto a metal fork that he was waving about.

The fruits were his favourite, he loved the strawberries the most for they were red. But something was missing to the little, he felt empty a little.
The little opened his eyes once again and wanted more food, his plate was empty. Maybe not food.

"Daddy I'm hungry, " Yoonie poked at the empty plate, his mouth was dry and he wanted to drink. Jimin awed, "hungry, baby? But you've eaten all your food already, shall I cook another?" Jimin stood, holding the empty plate and heading to the oven.

"No food, daddy. I wanna drink."
Jimin halted again, he felt his hand subconsciously touch his neck from the night before. "Milk?"
"No milkie daddy!" Yoonie licked his lips, his fangs were bigger now, not as big as they were in his bigger alter. But they were huge.

Jimin tensed at the word. He didn't mind when the male wanted to drink from him, he loved it actually and loves the feeling he has when he feels the older's warm breath against his neck, the gentle touches and the aftercare; his kisses, his touches and words.

The man looked towards the little who was babbling the word blood over and over again. The little looked up and got off the chair himself, he moved closer to the male and crossed his arms with a pout.

"I wanna drink."


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