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The boy laid on the floor with his tongue out and slobber dripping down his chin. His arms were ripped and his hands veiny, he held down Taehyung with no problem and started to cover his neck in kisses.

"He's affectionate, sorry," Hoseok explained trying to pull the boy off of Taehyung, who was laughing and obviously didn't mind the wet kisses. "Jungkook, down. We have guest, " the named boy stopped kissing and lowered his head in shame. This broke the hearts of his boyfriend's and they started to try to get him to be happier.

"Look, Jungkook, cheesecake, " and with that Jungkook was back to wagging his invisible puppy tail and seemingly barked.

"This is Jungkook, he's our other boyfriend, " Hoseok explained, he was patting his head and Jungkook was nuzzling his face into Hoseok's palm.

"Jungkook, say Hi. It's Jimin, " Taehyung softly whispered and the boy shook his head quickly. "I don't know him, " pointing towards Yoongi and baring his teeth.

"He's no threat, he's a close friend of Jimin's, " Taehyung replied, Jungkook still shook his head and hid his face inside of Taehyung's neck. "Sorry, he's shy."

"It's okay, " Jimin waved his hand, Yoongi was still eating the biscuits and was looking around the living room, something was off.

He couldn't tell, and he knew something was off. Was it Jungkook being treated like a puppy, or how Taehyung had bruises up his legs? No- he must be wrong, the triple relationship all seem really close, one wouldn't hurt the other.

I mean, he did claim he fell out the bath, and there was a loud bang from upstairs. But why treat their boyfriend like a puppy?

Hoseok suddenly coughed and looked directly at Yoongi who was eating the biscuits he gave him. Since Hoseok had also brought out a packet of biscuits, he was eating them, he raised his hand to his mouth and coughed again.

Taehyung looked at this boyfriend, he seemed confused and concerned. "I'm going to be sick, " Hoseok mentioned, with that, he jolted forward and his mouth opened.

Jimin looked away straight away, Yoongi watched in shock and Taehyung was trying to hold Jungkook back from biting Yoongi.

"You did this, " he blamed it on Yoongi, Yoongi blinked. Jungkook growled and his eyes went yellow, he bared his sharp fangs and claws appeared on his once manicured hands.

He became a brown wolf, his posture strong and hormones scented anger and strong, he clearly was an Alpha and a royal one at that.

He pounced on Yoongi and held him down, Jimin grabbed onto the wolf and tried to pull him off and was on the verge of tears. Taehyung was calling Jungkook's name, and Hoseok weak on the floor watching in horror.

Yoongi bared his fangs and well and spat in Jungkook's face, he managed to confuse Jungkook for a second and rolled out of his tight grip. But before Jungkook could pounce again, a baby sat in Yoongi's place.

He was crying and fangs large and sharp, Jungkook stopped his eyes teary and whined loudly. Taehyung gripped into his collar and pulled him away, the wolf double the size of Taehyung and was now sad.

Taehyung kissed the wolf and wiped away his tears, murmuring, 'it's okay' again and again.

Hoseok finally sat up, this time in his place sat a boy. He had bright red hair and eyes had a smoky look to, his eyes were red and fangs hung out of his gums, he wore a different outfit from Hoseok's rainbow one.

He wore a white ruffle shirt with a black jacket, he had black trousers on and sharp, pointy shoes. He yawned as if he had just awoken, and looked around.

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