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A beatific smile plastered on my face as I descended down the stairs, reminiscing yesterday's event with Lisa. I thought I told myself that I should keep my act but I guess I can't do that, not anymore especially if she did something like yesterday. There's no denying that no matter what Lisa had done and no matter how much I got hurt, I know I will always end up running back to her arms because that is where I simply belong. I swear I was not ready to cave in that fast but hearing those words from her melted me, I mean what's the point of trying to run away from something if you know you will end up coming back? Life is short, love who you want to love and always make the most out of everything.

Looking back from last year, never and never have I ever thought of falling in love with the same gender as me, especially with Lisa, it's kind of amusing because I literally despised her a lot during those times and I know she felt the same but look at me now, head over heels for her. I don't regret meeting her because if she didn't show up to one of my classes back in 7th grade, I wouldn't find happiness, I wouldn't find love. Yeah, she was annoying me but I got used to it that whenever she doesn't bug me, I get bothered, it was like a sign that I will end up loving this stupid monkey and so I did and I love her more than I thought I would and I think that's beautiful.

"Hey sweetie, you look very happy today." I was cut off my trance when I heard my mom, making me snapped my head at her direction as she scrutinized me, her smile matching mine.

"You are also blushing. What's up?" She quizzed, chortling at the end. I quickly squeezed my cheeks with both my hands, feeling myself getting even more flustered.

"Moooom!" I whined that caused this wonderful lady to chuckle again.

"What?" She shakes her head, still laughing at my blushing state.

"Stop looking at me like that." My cheeks heated up more, scrunching my nose as I squeezed my cheeks tighter, trying to stop myself from blushing.

"Is it about Lisa?" She asked, looking at me with a grin. I smiled at the mention of her name as I felt the electricity jolting up my body. I slowly nodded my head, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Aweee, sweetie I'm glad you two made up. I hate seeing you sad." My mom awe'd as she pulled me in to a hug, making me show my infamous gummy smile.

"I'm honestly glad too, mom. Thank you." I replied, tightening the hug.

"I should go. I will still have to pick her up." I pulled away and kissed my mom's cheeks before walking out.

"Aren't you going to eat first before going?" I heard her yell from behind me, I looked back shaking my head.

"We are going to eat somewhere, mom! It's okay." I yelled back and gave her a smile. She nodded her head and waved her hand at me.

"Take care and drive safely!" I waved my hand at her as I nodded my head in response.

I walked outside our gate and went straight to my car that is already outside of our residence, I buckled my seatbelt on and checked my phone, seeing that I received a message from her. A smile automatically formed through my features.

From: My Lili.

See you later, my Ruby Jane! I'll pick you up today. Hope you had a good sleep like I did. I love you!

Yup. I love this human being so much, just look at how her words affects me. Oh gosh I still can't believe she's saying she loves me too. She kept telling me that yesterday non-stop and it was cute. Like every words or sentence she says, she will always say I love you to me at the end.

PLAYED // JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now