Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 1: What's Going on?

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Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 1

(I do not owe Date A Live, Space Battleship Yamato 2202 or Destiny)

What's Going on?

This story takes place during Destiny 2 Season of the Drifter and after Date A Live Light Novel 15

Location: Outside of Solar system, Unknown space

Warship, STERBEN, Main Bridge

Logan was sitting in the chair in the bridge of his warship STERBEN, which was traveling to an unknown space out of the Solar System's reach.

Specter asked, "So, where are we going exactly?"

"Honestly, I don't know. It's better to be out here than the Tower." Logan asked with boredom.


"Hey!! Don't yell at me!!!" Logan yelled back. He was drinking a bottle of water while sitting on the captain's seat while monitoring the radar. "It's not like I'm not irresponsible on my ship and besides, this thing can manage itself without us around."

That was true, STERBEN is a warship that was supposed to need at least more than 100 crew members to manage it but with the tech from various groups of factions he earned, bought or stolen. One of the mysterious technology he got and installed STERBEN was wave motion core. He found the core during his mission to investigate what the Vex was up to. When he did he, and Specter found a Vex portal powered by an unknown energy capsule. After the investigation and finishing his report to the Vanguard, Logan and Specter began studying the unknown capsule. 

Time passed, and Specter found out that the unknown core the Vex had seemed to harnesses the energy of higher dimensions. He also found out that the unknown core also appears to expand compactified higher dimensions and in the process releases significant amounts of energy and tachyon particles, which means that this device can harness the energy from the space limitlessly and store it for something else. Specter also told his Guardian that the analysis scanner shows that the capsule itself can release some energy like a wave. Because of this he and Specter decided to name the capsule Wave motion core. After naming the capsule, Logan and Specter talked about planning to install the Wave motion core to the ship they began planning to build in the past months.

And thus the STERBEN was born. A warship that doesn't need refueling of the engine and travels the world endlessly as the wave motion engine limitlessly takes in energy from space and converts it to the main power generator for the ship itself.

Also, it became a warship that can be managed by single crewmen but need an AI to assist the control of the ship. That's where Specter comes in. He can control the ship itself remotely for the weapons defenses and other abilities the ship had. But he and Logan had a though creating their own ship AI which was still in development.

Logan still remembered the day when he found the wave motion core.


Logan was given a mission from the Vanguard. Ikora told Logan that the Vex are making a move and wanted him to investigate. Agreeing to this, he went to the location Ikora tipped but to find an unknown energy signature from a small unknown energy core capsule the teleportation device was being powered by. After discovering this, Logan took the unknown device and bombed the site. He returned to the City with the core he reported to the Vanguard about the situation taken care of but didn't tell the unknown energy capsule he took. Logan went to Ikora secretly and told her about the Unknown energy capsule and asks if The Hidden or the Cult of Osiris and Osiris himself has any knowledge about it. Ikora tells Logan that this is new to her and would ask her agents and Osiris about it but asks why he kept it for himself not telling the Vanguard about the capsule.

"Why didn't you tell the Vanguard about it?" Ikora asks.

"Specter and I analyzed the capsule before debriefing you guys about what happened and found something I would rather report this to you and you alone," Logan said with a serious look. "And besides I know Cayde keeps some of the crazy toys for himself in the past you know. Remember the stealth tech he kept secretly?"

"..........." Ikora had a brief moment of silence then said: "Do you mind if I see the capsule myself?"

"I guess... Here" Logan handed the capsule to Ikora.

Ikora looked at the capsule with curiosity for a while then gave it back to Logan."So this capsule powered Vex's new teleportation device?' Ikora asks,

"Yeah, I was kind of surprised that the Vex would somehow get their hand on stuff like this"

"Well, the Vex manipulates space and time" Ikora answered "I am surprised as you are of how the Vex acquired this in the first place. The energy that is emanating from the capsule is unlike any energy I've seen or felt."

"So, basically, we have no information about this thing in the first place?" Logan asks with concern.

"No, there are no records about this capsule and the unknown energy emanating from it in our Vanguard database," Ikora said. "I'll have to send this to Osiris for him to study it. His work is related to Vex. Maybe he can give you the answer."

"I'll meet with Osiris face to face myself Ikora since I'm the one who found it, I should be the one giving it to him myself. Specter already has the analysis data on the capsule. I'll make sure he sends the data to your ghost."

Flashback End

Specter sighed, "Hah~~~ Yes I know, we told Zavala and Ikora that we'd be leaving the Solar System for a while but can you at least tell me where we are going?"

"Hah~~~~ Honestly, I don't know...... I mean I'm just going with a flow, and besides, we do need to get intel for the Vanguard in case anything unknown comes to our system." Logan said with a tired voice.

"Well, you have a point." Specter sighed agreeing with his Guardian."But still, we should at least know where we are going. There should be a planet somewhere."

"You're right. We should start with that. Well, let's see if we can find a planet." Hologram of the star map appeared, and Logan began looking for a planet to stay.

"Specter, see if you can activate the long-range scanner and keep it on until we can find a planet."

"I'm on it." Specter began activating the scanner.

1 hour later.......

"Nothing?" Logan said. 'I'm afraid so." Specter said. "Wait, hold on I got something on the scanner." "What is it?" Logan asked. "Did we find a planet?"

"No... It's an anomaly of some unknown energy reading. I'm seeing, and it's heading behind us......." Specter said in a worried tone.

"What.....?" Logan looked at the scanner and saw the unknown energy coming behind them. "Shit!! Evasive Maneuver now!" He yelled.

"On it!" Specter began activating the main engine of the ship and creating an escape route for the STERBEN.

However, the unknown energy was coming closer.

Logan Panicked "Dammit! Transfer any power we got on the ship to the main engine and go maximum speed! We need to stay away from that!"

"I'm trying! I even transferred the weapons power and shield power to the engine, and I still can't get the ship to the safe zone!" Specter yelled!

"Damit! We need the shield!! Just transfer the weapon's power only!!!" However, the unknown energy came closer..... "Oh for the love of....." Logan complained.

"STERBEN is making contact with the unknown energy!!" Specter yelled!!

The unknown energy began making contact with the STERBEN, and it seems to be either consuming the ship or dissolving the ship.


The energy consumed them as a whole leaving no witnesses.

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