Logan's Personal Equipment

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Logan's Equipment (Will be updated in the future)


The launchers are located one on each on the underside of his gauntlet (Left and right underside of the gauntlet)  and his belt as well.

Logan made a grappling wire by using Hunter's favorite armor material, the Sapphire Wire.

They are the retractable, detachable and replaceable line used for climbing or descending several stories in seconds and swinging across gaps and from large structures.

The wire can also be used to wrap (carabiner) around or stabbed (Claw) at the enemies and incapacitate enemies. He modified the wire that allows it to deliver lethal or non-lethal Arc shocks to take down the target.

The launcher can also be attached to Logan's belt while its line had been fired and attached to a higher area, allowing Logan not to have to hold the device with his arm to use it. As such, the belt could act as a harness for him.

Before the Red war began, it was commonly available for Hunter. But the Red War wiped out the supply chain within the City. Although the supply chain was lost, he still possessed Sapphire Wire that was enough for the grapple wire launcher.

Logan realized that the Sapphire Wire could be used for something other than for armor upgrade. He and Specter made several grapple wire launchers with either carabiner or hook claw attached to the end.

<x2 Custom Tantō> (Can be empowered with Void, Solar or Arc  Subclass energies depending on the situation)

<x2 Custom Tantō> (Can be empowered with Void, Solar or Arc  Subclass energies depending on the situation)

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Logan's custom-built Tantō or short blade

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Logan's custom-built Tantō or short blade.

It can be empowered with Void, Solar or Arc energy.

Logan made his custom short blade to either dual wield or use one of the Tantō with his sword for effective combat. Logan's custom-built Tantō's was made out of a very special metal alloy, the same ones that they used for jump ships. Even the strongest of Titans would be hard-pressed to break one. (The same metal alloy that was used to make Hunter's knives. FYI, Hunters took very good care of their knives). 

When Logan saw a vision by the Traveler and was given the Seed of Light and summoned one of his new abilities, the Spectral blades (A pair of deadly void blades), he deiced instead of summoning the Spectral blades itself, and he tried to transfer the power of the Spectral blades to his Tantō's instead. Though he failed to transfer the Void energies to his Tantō's multiple times, in the end, he was able to master the skill and was able to empower his Tantō's with Void energies that would have the same caliber as the Spectral blades posses.

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