Chapter 4

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 Alex woke to the smell of bacon cooking. She rushed to shower and dress, choosing a tank top, blue jean shorts and sneakers. Alex decided that after breakfast she would explore the property and maybe take the boat out. She had been here a week and had done nothing but lounge around the house, reading books and watching mindless TV. She hurried down the stairs following the heavenly scent to the kitchen.

"Good morning Shirley...Owen." They both greeted her with a smile. Shirley was making omelets and Owen was at the table with a cup of coffee.

"Owen I thought I might take the boat out today. Would you mind getting it ready for me?"

Owen looked thoughtful and took another sip of coffee "Do you know anything about boatin' Ms.Rodgers?"

"Please call me Alex and yes I do. I grew up on the coast of North Carolina and went boatin' and fishin' with my dad all the time." He just nodded his head so I took that as a yes.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table as Shirley brought the plates, piled high with food, to the table. "You know I'm gonna get fat if you keep feeding me like this."

She laughed. "Sweetie you're a skinny little thing, a few good meals won't make a dent on you." Then she winked at me.

After stuffing herself, Alex took her coffee and walked out to the boathouse. The boat was a beautiful 25ft blue Bayliner with white leather seats. She couldn't wait to get it out on the water. Owen was just finishing gassing it up.

"She's ready to sure you don't need me to go with you?" He frowned.

"I'll be just fine,don't worry." He nodded and walked back to the house.

Driving slowly across the lake, Alex sighed at the sense of peace and that she felt. I should do this more often. As she came around the point into to the main part of the lake, she saw a speed boat making loops and swirls in the water. Not wanting to drive in the wake, she turned her boat back to the southern point.


It had been a disaster of a morning and Trevor needed to let off some steam. He took the speed boat and drove it fast and hard. Making 360° turns running back and forth on the wake to make the boat leap out of the water. As the wind changed he smelled the most amazing thing, honeysuckle and vanilla. His wolf started leaping inside of him and chanting, mate...mate. Trevor stopped the boat, turning in every direction to try and locate the source of that heavenly scent. Then he saw a boat turning to the south. He could see it was a woman with long black hair, so he decided to follow to see if he could catch the scent again. As he got closer he caught her scent again but also another underlying scent...human.

Mate...go to mate, his wolf kept whining.

"Shut up Max! She is human!"

Trevor slowed the boat and followed her at a distance. He couldn't just run up to her and claim her. She knew nothing of his kind or mates, so he had to be careful and come up with a plan. He was shocked as he saw the house where she docked the boat.

Trevor turned the boat and raced back to the pack house. He mind linked his brother. I need you to get 4 of our best enforcers and meet me in my office, I'll be there in 10 minutes!

What's going on Trevor?

I'll tell you when I get there. Then he put his wall up before Daniel could ask anymore questions.

Trevor walked into his office with his jaw clenched and held his hand up to his brother to stop any questions. He grabbed the phone off the desk and punched in a number. He paced impatiently as he waited for an answer.


"Owen who is the woman that was driving the boat this morning?"

"Alex Rodgers"

"Is anyone at the house with her, husband? boyfriend?"

"No, she is divorced. Is something wrong Alpha?"

He ignored the question as he continued, "I'm sending 4 enforcers to guard her. They will keep to the woods out of sight, but you and Shirley will have to watch her in the house. I have to go so I can brief the others." He hung up before Owen could speak.

"Trevor what the hell is going on?!" Daniel yelled.

Trevor looked at him with pitch black eyes and growled, "Daniel you are my brother and my Beta but do not forget I am your Alpha!" Daniel bowed his head in submission. Trevor took a deep breath and closed his eyes until he could feel his wolf pull back.

He opened his eyes and looked at the enforcers. "You four are to go to the house where Shirley and Owen are. Go in wolf form and keep to the woods, but close enough to keep the house in view at all times. If there is anything and I mean anything, you are to report it to me immediately. Her name is Alex and she is human, so you can not expose yourselves unless she is in danger. Do you understand?" There was a chorus of yes Alpha. Trevor nodded, "Good. Now go, I want you all there as fast as possible."

As the door closed Daniel looked at him with a frown, "Care to explain?"

Trevor walked to his desk and sat down while running his hands through his hair. He figured the best approach would be to just say it.

Taking a deep breath... he spoke. "She is my mate."

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