chapter 10

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 Alex had just sat down on the swing , with her morning coffee, when she saw the boat approaching the dock. She had a small smile when she saw who it was. Even from a distance he was amazing to look at. Tall and muscular but walked with unbelievable grace. He came up on the porch with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning."

"Nice to see you again Alex. Do you mind if I join you?"

"Please do. Can I get you a coffee or anything?"

"I'm fine, already had 3 cups this morning." He laughed.

Trevor sat with her on the swing and it took all of his willpower not to grab her and kiss her senseless. His wolf was getting agitated, claim mate, hold mate, kiss mate. "What are your plans today?"

"Nothing until this evening, I have an invitation for drinks with a neighbor. Just thought I'd read a book and relax." She shrugged.

"Oh...I actually came over to invite you to dinner this evening." Trevor hoped she would accept, he couldn't let her be alone with Adrian.

"I'm sorry maybe another time, it would be rude to cancel."

"Its only drinks I'm sure he would understand. I've told my brother and his m-girlfriend all about you." Trevor whiffed of desperation.

"How did you know it was a he?" Alex was curious.

"Ah...because women don't invite other women to drinks." Nice save, thought Trevor

"Hmmm. Well, be that as it may, I can't go back on my word." Alex smiled.

Okay I guess I'll have to go to plan B, there is no way I'm letting them be alone, Trevor decided.


Angry and frustrated, Trevor sat at his desk, running his hands through his hair. Of course Max was not helping in the least.

Stupid human! Claim our mate and he can not touch her! Max growled.

Its not that simple! She is human Max!

You are a dumb human.Why did I get stuck with you?! Max howled.

Trevor cut him off and ignored him. Since he could not get her to agree to dinner, his only option was surveillance and protection. With a sigh he called for Daniel.

Daniel came in and sat down. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. She didn't go for it. I was glad to see that she is a woman of her word, which is an excellent trait for a Luna. However that still leaves me with a problem." Trevor sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Listen brother, I know you didn't want them to meet, but, that's going to happen. So I think you should just have the enforcers watch her and they can jump in if anything happens."

"He would be able to scent them!" Trevor was getting frustrated and slammed his fist on the desk.

"Calm down! We can mask their scent!"

"What the hell are you talking about? No one can mask their scent!"

"Ah that's where you're wrong, the pack doctor has been working on an oil that you can spread on your body to mask your scent. They will smell like pine trees." Daniel smiled.

"How did I not know about this?! I am Alpha! I need to know everything that happens in this pack!" Trevor's eyes had gone black.

Daniel knew he had to be careful. "Alpha, he wanted to wait until he was sure it would work before he told you. I only found out this morning. Since you were gone this morning, this is the first chance I've had to tell you."

Unexpected Lycan Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz