Chapter 33

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Alex was getting used to the guards following her around. When they first arrived with the King she was intimidated by the huge men in uniforms and helmets. Now that the King was gone they wore jeans and shirts and seemed to be more approachable. There were two that were with her all the time, Edward and Matthew. Eight more that would accompany her if she left the house. They all carried handguns with platinum bullets in shoulder holsters.

Alex never missed an opportunity to tease them. Today she decided she was going for a big one. She walked out the door and was greeted by them. "Hi guys. I thought it would be nice to watch a movie." Alex gave them her biggest smile.

"Certainly Luna."

They walked her to the Media room. After checking the room they turned to walk to the door. "Wait! I want you to watch it with me."

"Luna we have to be on guard." Just then two guards walked in and stood by the door.

"Sit! I know you're going to like this movie." Alex smirked and went to the DVD player. She walked back and sat between them, looking from one to the other. "Isn't this great?!" She heard mumbles of 'fantastic' and 'super'.

Alex reached for the remote and started the movie. When they saw the title they groaned. "Luna please don't make us watch this." Matthew whined. Alex paused the movie and looked at them with a glare. "We are watching this so stop whining the both of you. I think you'll like 'Teen Wolf'." She started the movie and sat back with a giggle.

An hour and a half later of them groaning.Yelling unrealistic, stupid, no way! It was finally over. Alex laughed through the whole movie.

"Okay boys lunch time!" They walked to the Kitchen and Chef Adolfo had just finished preparing the food.

"Luna it is so nice to see you! What would you like? I made club sandwiches, fried chicken, potato salad and soup."

"A couple of club sandwiches and chips, would be great."

He made plates for her and the guards and they sat at the counter to eat. After her third sandwich she noticed the guards were staring at her. "What?" They shook their heads. Alex sat back feeling sated. "That was..." She could not finish as she was slammed with nausea. She jumped from her seat running for the nearest bathroom. The Guards on her heels yelling for Trevor.

Alex barely made it to the bathroom as all her lunch came up. "Alex what's wrong?!" Trevor was frantic. She couldn't answer as wave after wave hit her. Her legs would no longer hold her up, she collapse to the floor and leaned against the wall.

Trevor scooped her up and walked to the living room, placing her on the couch. John come to living room immediately! Alex is sick! Trevor turned to the guards. "What happened?!"

"Alpha she ate lunch and by the way, she ate a lot. Then she ran from the kitchen to the bathroom."

John ran in the room. Trevor motioned for the guards to go outside. "Luna tell me how you feel."

"Nauseous, dizzy."

John got a stethoscope out of his bag and listened to her heart and then moved down to her lower stomach and listened. He smiled. "Luna I can give you something for the nausea but, it will be over in a week."

"What's wrong with her?!" Trevor growled.

"She's pregnant. Congratulations Alpha..Luna."

"That's not possible!" Alex was shocked. She moved her hand down to her stomach and felt the slight swell. Alex gasped.

"I'm afraid it is Luna. When an Alpha mates the possibility is 100%."

Alex was angry. She turned to Trevor. "You knew didn't you?"

He nodded. "I was going to tell you but with everything going on I forgot."

"How could you forget to tell me something like that?! In 9 months we will have a child. How long were you planning on waiting, until I went in labor?"

"Luna I'm sorry to interrupt but an Alpha pregnancy only lasts 4 months and you're about 2 weeks now."

Alex sat up quickly. Something she instantly regretted as the nausea and dizziness hit her. She put her head in her hands and groaned. Trevor reached for her and she pushed him away. "Don't touch me! I think you have done quite enough!"

John gave her an injection and ordered her to rest.

"Princess I really meant to tell you but with the investigation to uncover the traitor, I honestly forgot. Please forgive me. I can't take it when you're mad at me." He looked at her with such sadness Alex almost broke. She caught herself and decided she would not forgive him yet.

"I'm going to the bedroom to lie down." She held up her hand to stop him from speaking. "Alone." Alex walked to the door with Trevor following. When she made it to stairs he was still following. "What part of alone did you not understand?!" Alex yelled. Trevor growled and his eyes turned black.

Edward leaned toward her and whispered. "He is an Alpha and his wolf wants to protect you and the pup. Do not challenge him." Alex huffed and proceeded up to the bedroom. Once she was in bed, Trevor's eyes went back to normal. He turned off the light and walked out.

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