Chapter 12

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 "John how much longer will she be out? It's been 10 days!"

"Alpha you have to remember she is human and suffered a terrible shock. First from the vampire bite and then seeing you in wolf form snapping his neck. It will take some time for her mind to repair itself." He checked the machines and the IV. "When she does wake up, go slow. Don't try to jump into the subject of what we are. Give her time to adjust to her new surroundings first."

"I'm sorry...I just can't stand seeing her like this and not be able to do something about it. I do appreciate everything that you have done."

"I would do anything for our Luna. I need to go down to the prison and check on the injured wolves. If anything changes, call me." Trevor nodded and John left.

Trevor sat down in the chair by her bed and took her hand. The familiar tingles soothing him. With his other hand he reached up and caressed her face. "Please wake up beautiful. I don't know how I will survive without seeing your sweet smile and hearing your voice. You are my world Alex and I love you." He laid his head on the bed beside her and fell asleep.


She could feel herself drifting in the darkness. No way to stop, nothing to hold onto. She could hear the voice but could not reach it. Help! Someone help me please! Still nothing.What felt like hours later,she saw the pinpoint of light in the distance. Alex struggled towards it. When she was almost close enough to reach it, she was stopped again. This time by a man's voice. Not yet my child. Your destiny is almost here and you have to be prepared. Alex looked around in shock for the origin of the voice, when he spoke again. You and the adanvdo will be one. Do not resist this change. As the leader and future of our kind you will need to be strong. The necklace will help you when it is time. Goodbye my child, I will be watching. Alex was shocked, Wait! don't leave! tell me what you mean! Nothing. Then she felt herself hurdling toward the light. She could feel her body again and someone was holding her hand, caressing her face. The tingles felt so good. Alex tried to open her eyes but they felt like weights were on them. "Please princess, if you can hear me, open those beautiful eyes." The voice was familiar and she felt a need to comfort him. Alex put everything she had in her and managed to lightly squeeze his hand.

"Daniel! Hurry get the pack doctor, she's waking up!" Trevor said eagerly. "Come on baby, open those beautiful eyes for me."

Alex opened her eyes slowly. the light was blinding and she closed them again. "No no baby, open your eyes back up!" Alex tried to speak but her throat felt like a desert. After a lot of effort, she managed to croak one word. "light"

"Oh God! I'm sorry princess, hold on." Trevor ran to the window and closed the curtains, then turned on the lamp at the opposite side of the bed. "Ok honey, try now."

Alex's eyes fluttered open slowly. She looked up and saw crystal blue eyes staring at her. She blinked a couple of times to clear her blurry vision and saw his handsome face smiling at her. Then the door flew open and people started piling in.

"Alpha I need you to move aside so I can examine her." Trevor growled and moved away from the bed. "How are you feeling Luna?"

Alex managed a croak, "water". "Oh I am so sorry, of course you need water."

John poured her a glass and helped her sit up enough to drink from the glass. The water tasted like heaven and she drank it down greedily. With a sigh she laid back on her pillow. "Where am I?"

"We will answer all your questions shortly. Right now I need to verify your health." Alex nodded. "Do you have any pain or aches?"

"A slight headache." She said softly

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