Chapter 1: Going Home

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      "Alright, Hedwig," I said happily as I finished packing my trunk. "Tomorrow we get to go back!" I always loved when summer ended. It meant I got to go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was going into my sixth year, but this year at school each house was being paired up with another. I only hoped that Gryffindor wasn't paired up with Slytherin. That's all I needed.. to live in the same room as Draco Malfoy for an entire year. 

"Get some sleep, Hedwig," I called to her, and I climbed into my bed. I thought about which person I would have to share a room with. I thought back to Draco. I already had to see him in all of my classes, but to spend every night with him too? I was finally able to fall sleep after my brain calmed down about school.

I awoke to the sound of Hedwig biting at her cage, so I quickly let her out and proceeded down the stairs. I could hear Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon favoring Dudley again, but I ignored them like it was any other day.

"Come here, boy, bring my coffee!" I heard Uncle Vernon shout over to me. I walked over to the kitchen and got Uncle Vernon his breakfast. I really hated having to serve the Dursleys like a house elf, but I knew that I would be leaving soon again this morning.

I was going to be picked up by the Weasleys, but I just hoped that they would be coming to the door instead of Floo Powder like they used last time. Just as I wondered when they would come, there was a large bang at the door, and Uncle Vernon nearly spilled is coffee on Dudley.

"Well, get the door, will you?" Yelled Uncle Vernon at me once more. I rushed to the door and felt arms wrap around me. Ron was hugging me, and right after Hermione's arms appeared around me as well.

"Oh, Harry! It's so good to see you! How have you been?" I heard Hermione ask me, and I only responded in a soft tone, "Happy to be getting out of here." She laughed, as did Ron, and then I greeted Mr. Weasley who was walking in behind them. "Hello, Harry!" He said cheerfully. "Why don't you three go and get Harry's things and I'll pay a visit to your Aunt and Uncle?" Ron, Hermione, and I all nodded and we darted up the steps.

"Harry, have you heard about Hogwarts? What they're planning on doing this year?" Asked Hermione looking at both Ron and I together. "Yeah, I.. I have," I replied back. "If only we don't get paired up with Slytherin I'll be fine," but Hermione cut me off.

"Well, that's actually what I heard. Gryffindor is being paired up with Slytherin and we'll be getting matched up from someone in that house. Let's just hope you and Draco aren't going to be paired together." I gave her an annoyed look, but I just forgot about it until we headed for the train. 

Ron, Hermione and I all found a compartment together and sat down. But all of a sudden I heard a voice.. Malfoy's voice. "Potter, famous Harry Potter back at school again," he said in his usual way. "I heard that our houses are getting matched up. I better not be with you or else my father will be getting a lot of mail." I just looked at him.

"Well, Dumbledore knows that we despise each other, I doubt he'd want to put us in a room and put the whole school in danger." Draco didn't seem to react much. All he said was, "Let's hope, Potter.. or you're in for the year of your life."

I ignored him, and resumed to talking with Ron and Hermione. The time passed fairly quickly and we changed into our Gryffindor robes just in time. Suddenly, the train began to stop and I knew that finally.. I was home once again. 

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