Chapter 14: Turning The Page

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      We slept all through the night together, unaware we were still wrapped in each other's arms. I wasn't sure what was happening, what it meant, or anything else for that matter.. but this was where we always ended up. Draco was all I cared about now. In these few moments, we were the only people in the world. But I soon woke up and realized we were going to run late again.

"Hey, Draco.. get up," I tried shaking him, but he just grabbed me again and pulled me back into his arms. "Draco, we have to go or we'll be in big trouble." "Then let us be in big trouble. I want to stay here, with you." I looked up at him lying there next to me, our faces matched perfectly. "You look like a mess," I told him, with a laugh. "But a cute mess," I added quickly. He smiled and laughed softly. "Well, you don't look too bad yourself," he said to me. But before we could say anything else I quickly got up and tried pulling him out of bed.

"Alright, fine.. I'm getting up!" He told me. "I'm not getting dragged out of bed again." We got changed into our robes, but we weren't as secretive anymore. We didn't feel like we had to hide to change our shirts. To be honest, I didn't think of it until we were fully changed. 

We walked down with everyone to eat breakfast, but before we went into the Great Hall, Draco pulled me aside and reached for my hand and held it for a minute. I held it back close to me, and we let go at the same time. Taking one last glance at each other, we went to our house tables and we didn't talk until later in the day.

"Harry, when we're done eating, could you come with me to Herbology? I have to ask a few questions and Ron has refused on coming." I nodded and said, "Oh, sure." She smiled and we finished eating before we took off. Then I realized we weren't going in the direction of the Herbology classroom. "Uh, Hermione? Where are we going? I thought you said.." But she cut me off and dragged me into an empty classroom.

"You like him, don't you?" I just looked at her, wondering what she meant. "Draco, Harry. I see the way you look at one another. I'm your best friend, Harry.. I know when you have a feeling like that." "I'm not.. I don't.. where did this come from?"

"You guys are always late for meals, you're constantly sneaking around, and I have noticed the secret smiling, looking, and even the hand holding, so don't even bother trying to cover that up." "That was nothing, we just.." But I didn't say anything else. I knew she was right, and I couldn't lie to her. I looked at her and said, "I don't know what happened. One moment we get paired up after hating each other for literally five years.. and the next, I've fallen for him completely."

She smiled and hugged me. "Well, if you two like each other, I'm all in for it. If you seem to think he's changed, I'm willing to give him another chance." I stepped back from her and said, "Thanks, Hermione. You're the best, really." I gave her a nervous look for a second though. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell Ron. That's your place, not mine." I let out a small laugh. She really did know what I was thinking. "Thanks," I said back to her. "Let's go, we don't want to be late." We headed off towards Potions, where I saw Malfoy walking with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Malfoy!" I called over to Draco. He turned around and smiled when he saw it was me. "Hey, Potter. I was just about to ask you if you wanted to meet in our spot tonight. I wanted to show you something." "Oh, yeah sure. Is everything okay?" Draco pulled me over to a corner so no one could see us. He held my hands, and we looked at one another. He quietly said, "With you, everything is okay." I smiled at him and we started to lean in closer again.

But, like always, we got interrupted and broke apart. Ron found us and just thought we were talking. "Come on, guys! Snape's going to kill you if you're late!" We just followed him and didn't talk again until after dinner. 

Dinner went by quickly, because Draco and I were rushing through our food as fast as we could. We met in the hallway and headed for our spot. "So, what did you want to show me?" I asked him. "Well.. remember a few years ago, I got a guitar? It's sort of for muggles, but I still really liked playing it. And, well.. I wrote some songs again recently during some free periods I had, and I thought I would show you them." "You still have a guitar? Wow.. Draco Malfoy is using something made for muggles," I said with a chuckle. 

Draco pushed me to the side as he laughed with me. We made it to the door, and walked up the stairs together. Draco was going to play me music. This really meant something. I didn't know he could even sing. This will definitely be a night I'll never forget, I said in my head.

Draco's POV: What was I doing? I'm playing songs for Harry Potter, which one in particular I wrote about him. But he didn't seem to care. He was smiling at me.. I felt so in love with him. And I was. I was in love with Harry James Potter, but if only he felt the same. Did he?

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