Chapter 7: What Was Never Seen Before

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      It's been hours that Draco and I have been locked in the broom cupboard, but it felt like nothing. We really didn't focus on being trapped, but more of getting to know each other better. There would be times when we'd be laughing, and others where we'd comfort one another. It was quite strange actually.. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter feeling bad about each other's pasts.

"You actually made your Uncle's sister blow up like a balloon?" Draco said while cracking up. "Yeah, that really did happen," I laughed back. "Well, at least there were a few of those times. Like the one where you trapped Dudley in a snake's habitat." We couldn't stop laughing, until I asked Draco a very personal question.

"Hey, Draco? Have you ever been happy? Like.. have you had any happy memories?" Draco stopped laughing and looked into my eyes. He had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They were either a very light blue or a shade of grey.. they were unlike anyone else's. Here I went again.. thinking about one of his facial features!

"Oh, well.. to be honest, no. Growing up in a place like I did, there wasn't any space for happy memories. Only either bad ones, or about what my family has done to other people." I took his hand again but left it on his leg. "That's why you couldn't conjure a patronus," I added. "You didn't have any memory powerful or happy enough." Draco's eyes looked like they were starting to water. I saw a tear run down his face. Draco Malfoy.. was beginning to cry. 

I wasn't sure what to do, but I took my hand and wiped away the tears. I allowed him to lay on my shoulder, whispering in his ear that everything would be okay. I was holding Draco in my arms until he seemed to stop crying. "I'm sorry.. I just find it hard to keep all of this pain in all the time. Then it just builds up inside of me and it only gets worse." "I know how you feel," I said as he got off of my shoulder. "You know, Remus, or Professor Lupin stopped me before I left class today. He said it might have been good that we got paired up together. He told me that we aren't as different from each other.. but I didn't actually believe him until now." 

Draco's POV: What was happening? I mean, I wasn't complaining, but everything felt weird. Harry let me cry on his shoulder.. he was holding my hand and letting me know everything would be okay. I never knew how nice he was until now. For once, I felt happier. Happier than I have ever been in my whole life even. I felt like I had a best friend, or.. but I let the thought go, and realized Harry was still looking over at me. He had the nicest shade of green in his eyes, and his hair, like always, was all over the place. I never minded it though. Wow, I thought in my head. This broom cupboard really has got to me, huh?

Harry's POV: All of a sudden there was a loud bang at the door. Draco and I jumped up, and realized that Snape was trying to open the door. He casted a spell and the door slowly opened. "And what do the two of you think you're doing?" He asked in his normal cold tone. "We got locked in here," I told him. Snape stared at me, then looked over to Draco. "Well Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy.. if I ever see you two out of bed after hours again, both houses, yes, both, will be punished." Snape wasn't going to give me detention? He always hated me, the least I thought he'd do was take points away from Gryffindor. 

Draco and I quickly ran out and rushed to the Slytherin common room. "Well, that was odd," Draco said to me. I nodded and we headed upstairs to our room. "You can go in first, I told Draco, as I pointed to the bathroom. He smiled, put a hand on my shoulder, and responded with a soft, "Thanks, Potter.. really," and left for the bathroom. I sat down on my bed thinking about what happened today. I didn't know what this meant. Why was I feeling this way? If this was a friendship feeling, why have I never felt this way about Ron and Hermione? 

I saw Malfoy make his way out of the bathroom, so I went in and closed the door behind me. I got into my pajamas and went right back out to my bed. "Night, Potter," he said as he looked over in my direction. "Night, Malfoy," I said back, and we both smiled. No matter how close we were getting, we still knew each other as Potter and Malfoy. 

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