Chapter 13: The Stormy Night

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      After Draco and I had our talk, we just left for the Slytherin common room. We fell asleep pretty quickly, but we still stayed up and talked some more for a bit. Hedwig arrived at our window this morning, so she woke both of us up. "Sorry about that," I called over to Malfoy, who was pushing pillows into his ears to try and block out the noise in order to sleep more. "You'll have to get up eventually," I told him. He waved his hand at me, as to say leave me alone but I didn't. 

I took one of my pillows and threw it at his face. Luckily for me, it smacked him right there. "Potter, I swear if you keep trying to annoy me, you will be in very big trouble." I laughed and Draco looked at me. "That's it," he said, and he got up and ran over to my bed. He jumped on top of me and tried to tickle me in a friendly way. "Okay, I get it! Now stop, I hate being tickled!" He stopped, but we were caught close together again. 

We were lying next to each other, except he was lying sort of on top of me. His hair was a mess.. all blonde and poofy.. but I really liked it that way. It was like him. He wasn't perfect, but it was what made him, him. I took my hand and messed his hair up some more. "Hey, Potter! It takes forever to make my hair perfect," he teased. "Yeah, right." We continued to laugh and tease one another but then we decided we better get going. I got up first and Draco tried to lie back down to be funny. 

I just grabbed his arm and pulled him off the bed. He hit the ground with a thud, and sprang up. "Sleep with one eye open tonight, Potter." He said with a small sniggering smile. That was Malfoy, I thought in my head. We got dressed and went to the Great Hall for breakfast. I realized that I haven't spent much time with Ron and Hermione this whole year, so I thought it would be nice to take a walk during lunch. Once all of the classes for the morning were over, we met outside near Hagrid's and made our way around the castle.

"Yeah, I love Transfiguration! I find it so fascinating," Hermione kept talking about her classes while Ron and I pretended to listen. "You two aren't even listening to me are you?" She asked us. Ron and I shook our heads and she hit us in the arms with her book. "Ow!" We both yelled. She laughed and we kept on walking. It was nice.. having my old friends by my side. But being with them didn't stop me from thinking about Draco.. and about last night. 

"I heard there's going to be a huge storm tonight," said Hermione. "Everyone was ordered to stay in their common rooms." "I never heard anything," Ron said to her. "Well, that's because you never listen to anyone." Ron just shrugged as if he agreed. "In fact," said Hermione again. "We should get going now. I think that it could start soon." Ron and I followed her back inside the castle. We went to our other classes for the day, and went to dinner with everyone else right after. 

I looked over at Malfoy, who surprisingly looked up right at the same time as I did. We both smiled and finished eating our food. "Well," said Ron. "I'm going to bed. Crabbe was snoring a lot again last night, so I barely got any sleep." Hermione said she had to go too, she insisted on studying for a test in Herbology even though it was months away. I decided to leave too, I didn't want to sit alone. Just as I got up, Draco did as well and we nodded to each other. This was our way of saying we'd wait in the hallway for each other and walk to the common room together. 

"Well, I guess no sneaking out tonight," I said. "Yeah, but we could still do something fun in our room though," he said after me. "Like what?" I asked him. He ignored me and gave me a small smile before running to the Slytherin common room. I had no idea what he was up to, but I ran right after him. We made it to our room and Draco pulled all of the blinds shut. He casted a spell to light up the room with candles, which in my opinion looked really nice, and he sat down on his bed. "Well, sit down," he said to me. I sat down next to him. 

"So, what are we doing exactly?" I asked him again. "Talking," he answered shortly. "You were this excited for talking?" I said with a laugh. "Well, with the rain in the background.. I thought it would be nice. You know we could play something like muggles do.. truth or dare if that's what it's called? Or truth or truth." I just looked at him and laughed again. "Truth or truth.. well, why not?" We both smiled and began asking each other questions. 

"Well, you already asked me if I've ever been in love," I explained as Draco looked up at me. "You said you haven't been either, didn't you? He looked like he wanted to say something more, but all that came out was, "Right.. yeah, I haven't really." "So you might have been?" I asked him questionably. "More recently I might have had that sort of feeling." I felt like I couldn't talk properly. "I've been thinking the same thing, actually." Draco and I stared deeply at each other. I felt him slowly move closer to me and I did the same. 

But all of a sudden, there was a loud bang on the windows. We broke from our glance and we both jumped a little. "The storm's coming," I said to him. "I've always liked the sound of rain. It always calmed me as a kid. In a huge house where I lived, the rain echoed loudly throughout the halls. There was just always something about it." Draco looked happy. I loved seeing him like this.. it made me feel the same way back. 

Draco's POV: I was really falling for him. Harry looked so handsome in the candlelight. His smile shined so brightly, and it only made mine grow larger. This was the best feeling ever, I said to myself. I looked down at his hand. It was just lying there. I reached for it, and held it tightly in mine. His hands were warm from the candles and I continued to smile at him.

Harry's POV: Draco was holding my hand, and I was holding his back. I felt like I never wanted to let go. I just wanted to stay here forever. "You know what I said to you last night? About never leaving you?" I asked Draco. "Yeah, why?" "I just wanted you to know it again. Right here.. it's all I want. All I need." "You have no idea, Potter," he said back to me, as to say it was the same for him. The rain started to poor down harder, and Draco layed down, so I did the same. We were still facing one another.. just very closely. I felt Draco's hand move a few hairs off of my face, and I put my hand on his cheek. Like always, I kept it there and rubbed my thumb over it back and forth.

All we did was lay there for a few minutes until we finally fell asleep in each other's arms. We didn't seem to notice, but Draco was leaning on my chest, and I leaned over on him, with our arms wrapped tightly around one another, holding our hands together, as if they fit perfectly. But with the sound of rain pouring down in the distance, it all felt right. 

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