Chapter 32: The Visit

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      Draco and I made it to Malfoy Manor, and we knocked on the door. A house elf came to the door and welcomed us in. "Mother?" Draco called out. Soon Mrs. Malfoy came running out. "Draco! What as surprise!" "Happy birthday, mom. I, um, so I brought someone with me." She looked over at me as she let go of her son. She actually smiled at me. "Harry.. it's so good to see you, properly." She held out her hand and I shook it. "Happy birthday, Mrs. Malfoy," was all I said.

"Oh, why thank you! And I'm very sorry, Harry. I was hoping we could start over." "I'd like that," I said with a smile. Draco put his arm around my back and kissed my forehead. His mother looked happy for us. And I felt happy that she was. "Well, how about some dinner? I've prepared some food with Dobby!" "Dobby?" I said. "He's here?" "Yes! I apologized to him and I'm paying him for help around the house. He was looking forward to seeing you."

I walked into the dining room, and it was huge. "Harry Potter!" Said Dobby as he was setting down plates. "I'm glad you're okay, Dobby. And you're happy again." "Oh, yes, Harry Potter! I am very happy with Mrs. Malfoy and being back." He hugged me. "Well, let's eat!" Called Mrs. Malfoy from the table. Draco and I sat down next to each other, and we talked with his mother. She wanted to know all about us, and how we started everything off. Of course, we didn't tell her everything, but we explained the basics.

We finished dinner, but we continued to talk for a while before going to bed. "You two don't mind sharing a room, do you? We have a spare, but Dobby has bee sleeping in there, and it needs to be cleaned, really. "Oh, no not at all," I said. I didn't care on bit. I helped Mrs. Malfoy put plates away, while Draco cleaned the table.

"Thank you, Harry." I turned around and she was talking to me. "Oh, it's no problem, really. I'm glad to help." She put an arm on my shoulder. "Not for this. For Draco. He's never been this happy all of his life. He had it hard, and I blame myself for not doing something about it. But, he's never felt this way about anyone. You two are different, but you make it work. And that's something really special. never let one another slip away, okay?"

I nodded and said, "Your son is the best thing that ever happened to me, Mrs. Malfoy. I'd never let him leave unless I was going with him." She smiled and Draco walked in. "Are you guys talking about me?" "Maybe.." I said with a smile. Draco rolled his eyes playfully and he walked over to me, grabbing my hand. "I'm taking Harry now, I have to show I'm something." "Sure, you two go aead, enjoy one another."

I followed him up the stairs and we headed into a room, which was probably his. There was things of Slytherin, so I figured. "Well, welcome to my hideout. This was where I spent most of my life, since death eaters and Voldemort was here. I was too scared to leave." I took him by the arm, pulling him around to face me. He looked down at our hands held in the other.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. I couldn't even imagine." "And I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I was such a jerk." "Well, I can't argue with that.." He pushed me playfully, but I said, "But you turned out to be a pretty great guy. And you're mine." He smiled and looked into my eyes for a second before slowly moving in.

He didn't kiss me though, he just whispered, "I have something to show you." He let go of me and I followed him over to a desk. He took out a journal, and anded it to me. "You have a diary?' I asked him. "Yeah.. I mean where else would I put everything I wanted to say. There's a lot about you in there, actually. From year one, you've been in there." Draco Malfoy has wrote about me in a diary since we were eleven, and we were seventeen now.

"I thought you might want to look at it, but now thinking of showing you makes it sound like a really bad idea." "Well, too late," I said as I ran to his bed sitting down. "yeah, this wasn't a good idea," he said laughing. I read it, and I couldn't believe it. "I remember that, that was when I realized I might have a thing for you. But wait, what's this? A picture?" "Oh, no don't look at that."

It was of me, talking with Ron. "You spied on me?" "Well, not exactly. It was fourth year, and I thought you looked nice one day.. Okay I sound like a creep." I laughed and leaned on him, his arm holding me around my back. "I have my share of these things, don't worry." "You spied on me too?" "Course!"

Draco's POV: That was him, my Harry Potter. He had pictures of me to, so I wasn't the only creepy one I guess. I was still surprised, I never thought he would feel the same.

Harry's POV: "Oh, and look.. a letter to me!" "Okay, Potter.. don't read that." I still read it anyway. "This was from last year?" "Yeah, I was going to send it to you, but I didn't think it would matter. And besides, I wasn't allowed to. They would've killed me." It was a letter, saying how much he missed me, loved me, and wished I was okay.

He wanted to hold me again, tell me we'd be together, forever and always. I looked up at him, "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah.. anything." "What do you think would've happened.. if I took your hand on the first day at Hogwarts." "I don't know, but you wouldn't of. I was a jerk, I wasn't the right person for you. Not that that did anything though," he said with a laugh.

"If I did, I'm not sure how I would've felt about you. But now, Draco.. I want nothing else but you." I kissed him quickly, and said, "Thanks for the letter.. and I must say, I do have wonderful eyes.." "Oh, shut up.." And he resumed kissing me.


Thank you guys for all the love on this story! I'm getting so many reads and I'm just so happy you all like it. It really warms my heart :)

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