Chapter 33: Only Us

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      Draco and I fell asleep last night, and woke up early the next morning. It was the day we would move in together, and this time.. officially. "Are you ready?" I asked him. "You're not scared or anything, are you?" He walked over to me. "Potter, I've never been so sure about anything else," and he kissed my forehead before hugging me. I felt so happy, I would be moving in with the love of my life. 

"Well, goodbye room.. thank you for keeping me safe all of these years." I took his hand, and he held it tightly, smiling at me. We closed the door and we made our way downstairs. "We're going to leave now, we want to get everything in the house." His mother came over and hugged us. 

"Now, you two go and have an amazing life together. Not that I won't be in it. Any children, I'm here for them." Draco and I exchanged looks. In the future, that was definitely the plan. "Thanks, mom." "Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy, for having me over." "Of course, Harry dear," and she smiled.

She walked us to the door, and we apparated to our new home, still holding our hands tightly together. We were in the street, and I mumbled something to have the house appear. We still kept it hidden, we were still wizards after all. "Well, welcome to our home," I said to Draco. "Finally together, without anyone else tearing us apart. I still have to get that through my head," he replied back. I smiled over at him. 

"Come on, let's get it fixed up." We walked to the door, and put our bags down. "Yeah, we have to clean this place." "Let's not use magic. I want to do it properly, it's our first house together." "Draco Malfoy, you are a wonder. Not wanting to use magic?" He laughed and threw a towel at me. It took us a while to get everything cleaned, but we stayed up all night fixing it all up.

"Finally, done.." I said to Draco. "Okay, but now we can use magic." He waved his wand and several pieces of furniture appeared all over. "There, now we have everything. Well, except food," and he did the same thing. "There, now we're finished." I smiled at him. "It's weird, being here. And I keep thinking about how we're done with going to Hogwarts.. forever." 

"Yeah, I know how you feel," he said as he turned my way. He took both of my hands and put them in his. He took his hand and pushed some hair off of my face. "You know, I've never watched.. if that's what they're called, a movie?" I laughed into his chest. "Oh, Draco Malfoy.. there's many things I have to teach you." I pulled him over to the sofa and I put on one of the movies I always liked, and I remembered sitting in the corner at the Dursley's. 

We just kept watching different movies, and Draco was having the time of his life. We must have fallen asleep while watching, because I woke up on the couch with Draco resting on my chest with his hand held in mine. We layed like that for a while, there was no rush to get up anymore. We could do whatever we wanted for as long as we wished. It was Draco and I.. forever and always.


So, I was going to keep adding parts, but I just thought that this would be a good ending. If I added more, it wouldn't really flow right or make sense, so I decided that this would be it for this story. I do have a ton more ideas for other drarry stories, so I will definitely be creating more! Thank you guys so much for all the love on here, I'm so happy you all loved this one. I love you and I hope you like my other stories I create too! 

With love,

Elise :)

the death eater and the boy who livedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora