Chapter 21: Christmas

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      I woke up feeling really happy. I looked down at Draco who was holding me around my waist. He was still leaning on my chest and I kissed the top of his head. "Happy Christmas, my love," I whispered to him. I knew he couldn't hear me but I didn't care. I held him more tightly and he continued to sleep. He looked so cute while he was sleeping, I thought in my head. I layed my head onto his until I felt him wake up.

"Happy Christmas, beautiful," he told me. That's how we talked to each other now. I called him 'my love' and he called me 'beautiful.' And I loved it. He was looking up at me. "Sorry if I woke you," I said to him. "It was worth waking up," he said smiling. I kissed him softly and then I kissed his forehead. "Tonight we have to meet at our spot okay? I have to give you something," Draco told me. I smiled. "I have something for you too," I told him.

"Should we get up?" Draco nodded but pulled me back in for another kiss. This one lasted a little longer, but I pulled him out of bed again. I was always the one having to get him up. We got changed, and left for the Great Hall. I saw Hermione and Ron and I ran to give them hugs. Hermione even gave Draco a hug and I could tell he was happy about it. Ron shook his hand and surprisingly gave him a hug too. We all said 'Happy Christmas,' before separating from Draco and heading for the Gryffindor table.

"Happy Christmas everyone!" Dumbledore called to everyone who was here on Christmas break. Food soon appeared and we ate happily, and I took a few glances over to Draco who did the same to me. I spent the first half  of the day with Ron and Hermione, and she invited Draco to come too, and he gratefully came along. We just went to Hagrid's, and I told him about Draco and I. He was shocked, but he was happy for us in the end.

The rest of the afternoon we just talked. It was a way for Ron and Hermione to get to know Draco better. But once it was dinner time, we would part with them after. Draco and I quickly ate our dinner and met in the hallway before heading off towards our spot. I already had my present for him wrapped up, but he wasn't carrying his. He probably had his up there already.

We made it up there, and I looked around. There were candles everywhere, the fire was lit, and blankets were spread out on the ground. "You did all of this?" I said turning back to him. "Yeah, but it was nothing. I just thought it would be nice. And apparently there's supposed to be these shooting stars in the sky so I thought we could watch that here too." He was mine. He was really mine. I kissed him and said, "I love you so much." "I love you too, Potter, he said happily back to me.

I set my present on the ground next to me and Draco grabbed something from under a few blankets. It was his guitar. He was also carrying a letter. "Here, I'll go first." "You didn't have to get me anything," I told him. "Oh, please Harry.. I was getting you something whether you liked it or not," he said with a smile. "But I wanted to say something first.. I wrote it all down, but I don't think I'll need to see that." I felt a rush of butterflies in my stomach, this was really happening. He took my hands in his, looking deeply into my eyes before he started to speak.

Draco's POV: I started speaking without even glancing at the letter. I didn't need it, I knew how I felt about him without any words on a page.

"Dear Harry James Potter,
My love, my life, my everything. You came into my life a little over five years ago, and let me tell you. I was into you from the very start. I mean, of course we really had it out for each other, but recently has been different. But even back then, you were the only one who really ever noticed me. And now, I'm the luckiest guy in the world. When we got paired up together, I wasn't sure how I was going to feel. But turns out I had a pretty big feeling about it later on. I fell in love with you. Your smile, your hair, your eyes.. all of it. I loved every single part of you and I knew that that would never change. Being with you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what would've happened if I didn't have you. I'd probably be dealing with my family alone, but now I have you. I have you and I couldn't be happier. I love you more than words can describe, Potter. To feel your touch, your warmth, it's the best feeling in the world. I wouldn't change it for anything, and I'm never letting you slip away from me no matter what. We're in this together. Forever and always. But Harry Potter, thank you for being my lifesaver. You really saved me. And thank you for all the forehead kisses, the regular ones, and for calling me 'my love.' You're my beautiful.. my beautiful, wonderful, and the most amazing guy I could ever have in my life. So thank you.. for filling the missing piece of my heart and for being mine. I love you my love. I'm forever grateful that I'm your boyfriend." He took a pause. "I've never called myself that before, but it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Harry's POV: I felt tears run down my face. I looked down and then up again. He was looking down now blushing. I grabbed his face and pulled it into mine. I kissed him the most I ever had, and he was doing it back. I broke away and backed away a little bit. "I love you, I love you, and I love you," I said to him. Draco wiped the tears off of my face. "I love you, too," he said as a tear fell down his face. But these were happy tears. I wiped his away, and we just looked at each other before I broke the silence. "Who knew you could say something like that?" He shrugged, "I guess you still have a lot to figure out about me, huh?" We laughed.

"Here, now it's my turn." "I'm not finished, that was only the first part!" I gave him a happy look. "But fine, I'll finish mine after." I gave him my present that I wrapped up. He opened it up and looked up at me. I drew a picture of us, our hands pressed against a wall, and we were facing each other, looking into each other's eyes. I drew a glass wall between us to separate our lives. In the caption I wrote, 'Two worlds turned into one.'

"Harry.. this, this is incredible. I don't know what to say. I never even knew you could draw." I shrugged and smiled at him. He was happy, that's all I cared about. He eventually took my hand and kissed it and help it close to him. But he started to talk again. "Who knew.. that we would get together. The Death Eater and the boy who lived.." "Who knew?" I said back to him. He let go of my hand and smiled at me again. "And you even framed it?" "Of course!" He laughed at me. Then Draco came in closer to me again and kissed me softy before hugging me tightly.

"I wrote something for you.. well, again. I'm assuming you knew that the other song I wrote was about us." "I did," I said with a smile. He started to play the song he wrote. There was his voice again, it was beautiful. I put my hand on his leg, listening to him as he played. He finished the song, and looked up at me. I took his guitar off of his lap, put it down next to us and I started to move in to him. "You're really going to break me here, Malfoy," I said with a small laugh. He smiled, and pointed at my shirt.

"You have something on your shirt.. just there." I looked down and he picked up my chin quickly with his finger. He was kissing me. I pulled away and said, "You used my own trick on me!" He didn't care. He layed down, and pulled me on top of him. We were kissing, and kept going on top of each other. This was the best Christmas I ever had, I said to myself. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move in the sky. "Draco, the shooting stars are out." He let go of me and got up, pulling me up with him. We stood there, looking out on top of the castle.

Draco's POV: I don't think I've ever felt this happy. I just looked over at him and said, "Make a wish." "I don't have to. This is all I wish for," he said to me. I took his hand, kissed it again, and I pulled him close to me. There we were.. he was leaning on my shoulder, and I had my arm wrapped around him. I finally felt home.

Harry's POV: I knew now that I was home. And this time.. it wasn't only because of Hogwarts.

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