Chapter 8: A Starry Night

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      "Potter.. Potter, wake up!" Draco was shaking me, and I woke up. "What, what is it?" I asked him. "I've been trying to get you up for hours.. class will be starting soon. I think we missed breakfast though." "Oh, I'm sorry.. you could have gone and ate if you wanted to." "Don't worry about it, I'm not that hungry anyway." I smiled at him, which has become a very common thing between us. I got out of bed and changed into my robes for the day.

"Let's hope we don't get locked in another broom cupboard again," I said with a small laugh. "Yeah, let's hope," he replied back. "It wasn't too terrible though," I added quickly. "I mean, talking.. with you, wasn't all that bad." Draco looked up at me with his beautiful grey eyes. "You know, Harry.. that must have been the best time I've had in forever." I couldn't believe what he was saying. "For me too," I replied back. Now I couldn't believe what I was saying. 

We walked down to the Great Hall, but everyone was leaving for their first class, so we just left together and headed for Potions class. I wasn't sure what Snape would say to me today, after he found Draco and I in the closet last night, but to my surprise, the class went very quickly and we were off to the next, Transfiguration in no time. Hermione, Ron, and I decided to meet Hagrid after lunch before Herbology. We walked down and like usual, Hagrid prepared tea for the three of us. 

"Hello, Harry!" He said with his large smile. "Hey, Hagrid," I said back. Hermione and Ron also greeted Hagrid before we all walked in and sat down at the round table. "So, how has the classes been?" Hagrid asked us. "Fine," I said. "I got locked in a broom cupboard last night though. I don't think I told you guys that." I glanced over at Ron and Hermione who were looking at me confused. 

"You.. what?" Hermione asked me. "Yeah, um.. with Malfoy. We were walking to the Slytherin common room, but we heard Dumbledore, Snape, and Professor McGonagall walking near us, and they were talking in a secretive voice. So, I dragged Draco in a closet close to us and it locked us in." Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid just looked at me. 

"You and Draco didn't tear each other apart? You two really have changed feelings for one another." "Well, all we did was talk. We just got to know each other a little more, that's all." I didn't say anything about Malfoy crying, it wasn't my place to tell them. "Then Snape finally came and found us after a few hours, and luckily we didn't get in trouble." "Wow," said Ron shocked. "I would at least think Snape would take off points from Gryffindor." I agreed with him, but then Hermione asked me what I heard before we got trapped.

"They said I wasn't safe with him.. Draco. But Dumbledore said I knew what I was doing and that he was looking out for me as well." "That's strange, why wouldn't you be safe with Draco? I mean, what could he do to you?" "He mentioned something about his parents. He said all they cared about is power, and turning me in to Voldemort is what they have been trying to accomplish. It's not anything new, really. It's been like that forever." Hermione nodded but said to me, "Just be careful, Harry. You never know if Draco is just lying to you in order to lure you into a trap his parents have for you." 

"He's not, Hermione.. I promise. But don't worry, I'll still be careful." She gave me a small smile and we continued drinking tea with Hagrid, telling him about the classes we were taking. It wasn't a surprise, but Hermione talked the most because like always, she took the most classes out of everyone. 

After an hour or so, Hermione, Ron, and I left Hagrid's and we headed for Herbology. This wasn't my favorite class, but it still came pretty easy for me. Neville was the true star in this class though. He loved learning about plants. Luckily, the class soon ended and it was time for dinner.

We walked to the Great Hall and I saw Draco sitting with Crabbe and Goyle. We waved at each other and went back to talking with our other friends. "How much can you possibly eat?" Hermione asked Ron, who had his mouth full as much as he possibly could. "I'm hungry," he replied back, almost spitting up the food in his mouth. I looked at Hermione and we exchanged a disgusted look, but with a smile added to it. 

Dinner was coming to a close and Dumbledore dismissed us to leave for our common rooms. I found Draco in the halls and tried to catch up with him. "Malfoy!" I yelled over to him. He turned around and waited for me. "Hey, Potter," he told me. "Can you come with me for a minute? There's something you should see." I wasn't sure what he meant, but I just nodded and said, "Sure.. okay." I followed him over to a door that was down a few halls which lead outside of the castle. "I know we're not supposed to leave the castle at night, but I've been going to this spot for years." I followed him through the small door and we walked up many stairs until there was another door. 

Draco opened it and I walked through behind him. "What is this place?" I asked him. But he didn't answer. He motioned his hands over to him, as to follow him. He had a smile on his face. I looked out and saw that we were at the very top of Hogwarts. The stars were shining brightly in the sky.. it was beautiful. "I found this place when I was trying to hide from.. well, everyone. No one ever comes up here, it's sort of a secret. But I wanted to show it to you, I thought you'd like it." I looked over at Draco who was looking out at the view. 

"Thank you, it's.. it's amazing up here. The view.." I was still looking at him as he looked over at me. "From what I see.. it's beautiful." I was talking about the view right? Not him. I couldn't be. Draco looked at me for a while with a soft smile before he turned away again. The stars were still twinkling in the distance. It was perfect. 

Draco's POV: I had just brought Harry up to my secret spot. We were looking at each other.. saying the view was beautiful. I don't know whether I was thinking about the sky, or.. him. I wasn't sure why I kept feeling this way about him, I never have before, so why now? I looked away from him once we were looking at each other again. He really did have a nice smile. It was different, unlike anyone else's. The night was perfect. Everything finally felt right. 

Harry's POV: I felt a strong breeze and it looked like Draco got the chills. I tried to do it unnoticeably, but I moved in next to him a few inches. I slowly put my hand on his to warm him up.. his hand felt ice cold. "Hey, you seem freezing, do you want to go back inside?" I asked him. "Oh, no.. don't worry, I'm fine. I always get cold, but it usually passes quickly." "Here come over here." I pulled him over to what looked like a fireplace, and I used my wand to make flames appear. All of a sudden everything was much warmer, the flames were crackling, and I sat down next to Draco. 

"You really are a wonder, Potter." He was looking at me. I smiled at him and he inched closer to me. We might have just talked for a while, because all I remember after that, was falling asleep onto Draco's shoulder in the warm heat.. staring at the starry sky above us. 

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