Chapter 9: Promises

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      I was dreaming of last night. I knew that that would be a night I'd never forget. But I suddenly woke up and realized it actually never ended. I was asleep on Draco's shoulder, and he was leaning on mine. We spent the entire night outside together. "Draco.. Draco, get up," I called as I was shaking him awake. He woke up and looked up at me. "What.. what happened? Did we sleep out here?" "Yeah, I guess we just fell asleep," I added after him. Draco and I just kept looking at each other, but I interrupted us and said, "We should go in now. Who knows how much trouble we'll be in." Malfoy nodded, but quickly said to me, "I wish we could stay up here forever." "You're not the only one," I replied back, with a smile to match his.

I put out the fire and we walked through the door and down the stairs. It was quiet, so everyone was probably eating breakfast. We were still wearing our robes from yesterday, so we just kept them on and went to join everyone in the Great Hall. I was surprised that no one seemed to know we were gone for a whole night, especially Snape. We split up and went to our house tables where Ron and Hermione stared at me deeply. "Where have you been? And what's that all over your robes?" Hermione asked me. Well, maybe two person noticed. I looked down and saw that I had ash from the fire all over myself. "Oh, I was just practicing my spells.. and one of them kind of backfired." "Oh, alright," Hermione said back to me.

I don't know why I didn't tell them about last night, I just felt like keeping it to myself. We finished eating and went to our first class, but I couldn't concentrate very well. All I could think about was last night. But why? I mean, we fell asleep together in front of a fire.. watched the stars in the moonlight.. it almost sounded like some romantic evening. But, it couldn't have been. Sure, the view.. every view, was beautiful, but we only just fell asleep from talking. I quickly dropped it and tried to focus. Not that that did me any good.

It was lunch time and I saw Draco walk in alone. He looked at me and I waved, just as he did and he proceeded to sit down with like usual, Crabbe and Goyle. I wondered whether he was telling them. I doubt it though, they didn't seem to be those type of friends.

The rest of the day went by as slowly as possible. The last class, Transfiguration, I was sitting close to Draco and he passed me a note that was enchanted with a spell. It flew, in a swan shape, and landed right in my hands. I read it and it said, "Meet me there again tonight at seven? There's something we should talk about." Was this good or bad? I wasn't sure but I looked at him and nodded anyway. He took that as a yes and went back to his work. The class was soon over and dinner was being served in the Great Hall. I rushed through dinner and just told Hermione and Ron that I had to study for Potions. They knew I needed some extra help so they didn't think much more of it.

I went over to the door and quietly opened it as I walked through. Draco was already there when I got to the top, but I didn't remember seeing him leave the hall. "Hey," he said calmly. "Thanks for meeting me here. I really wanted to talk to you." "Yeah, of course.. it's no problem. But what's up? Is everything okay?" "It's us.. you, and me.. I don't know if this is a good idea." "What do you mean?" I asked him with a confused tone. "Being friends with you, Potter. It's not safe. For you anyways. I don't really care what happens to me."

"Draco.. what are you saying? I told you not to worry about me, I can handle your family. I can handle Voldemort." "That's not the point. I don't want to see you go through anything because I wanted to get to know you. I can't watch you sacrifice yourself, for me." I looked into his eyes and I saw fear. I saw that he truly was worried about me. I walked closer to him and once again took his hands in mine. I felt him calm down as I held him.

"Draco, promise me.. promise me that you won't shut yourself away from me. I'm not letting you do that to yourself, okay? You don't have to worry about me." He looked down at our hands which were held tightly together. "It's just everyone I've ever really cared for has either turned into a murderer.. or.. died. I can't lose you too. I mean, you're my friend," he added very quickly after. "You won't lose me, I promise. I wouldn't let that happen. I told you, we're friends now. I've got your back." 

Draco looked back up at me and smiled with that smile of his. His grey eyes looking straight into mine. Without thinking, I grabbed his other hand and pulled him close to me. I hugged him for the first time ever. I was hugging Draco Malfoy, and he was holding on to me just as much.

"Famous Harry Potter, at it again," Draco whispered in my ear, and gave a short laugh. I laughed back and said, "Well, Malfoy.. at least this time I didn't make the cover of something." We both laughed and let go of each other. We thought it would be best if we headed downstairs to the common room before we got in trouble, so I followed Draco out. 

But before we left out the door, I felt something touch my hand. Draco grabbed it and held it in his for only a second before letting it go and continuing down the steps beside me. I wasn't sure why he did that.. but I also didn't find myself being bothered by it either.

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