Chapter 19: A Casual Day

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      Draco and I slept outside again, but I didn't mind. I woke him up by kissing him, and he kissed me back. "We finally have a week off," I said to him. "It's almost Christmas.. I actually forgot about it." "Yeah, I didn't remember either. Well, Happy Christmas, beautiful," Draco said to me. "Happy Christmas, mon amour," and I kissed his forehead. "You know French? You really are something, Harry James Potter." I shrugged and smiled. "I grew up with muggles, so I had to go to a school where it was taught."

"So, what did that mean?" I paused and said, "My love." Draco looked at me with that amazing smile and those eyes I loved so much. He leaned over to me, pulled me over to him and we started to kiss again. "Can we just stay up a here a while?" He asked me. "The sunrise always looks nice." I looked up at him. "As long as you want," and we layed there in each other's arms.

A few hours passed and we thought it was time we should go back inside. I got up and held out my hand for Draco to grab. He did, and jumped up next to me. "Wow, I need to shower," he said looking down at himself. I laughed, "You and me both." We walked down and headed for the common room. Draco and I were actually together, I still couldn't believe it. I could call him mine.. and he could call me his. I kept looking over at him, smiling brightly. 

"What are you looking at?" He asked me questionably. "Just.. you," I said happily. "You're such a dork," he said to me and punched my arm playfully. We made it to our room and realized that everyone was down eating breakfast. We weren't hungry so we both took a shower. You kind of needed one when you're constantly sleeping outside with snow and ash from fires. I let him go first, we weren't at that stage yet, if that even was what he wanted eventually.

I went in after him, and I looked at him as he came out in only pants. "Potter, would you just shower. Stop looking at me," and I laughed as I went into the bathroom. He was the best, I thought to myself. I don't know how lucky I was to have him until now.

I finished showering and I came out of the bathroom. I felt so much better, I didn't smell like smoke anymore. I looked over at Malfoy again. I loved Draco's hair when it was wet, it was all tangled and crazy looking. Mine was always like that, but his usually calmed down after a while.. until I messed it up for him.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked him. "Whatever you want to," he replied back. "We could just stay in here, or we could take a walk," I suggested. "Alright, let's go then." He took my hand and we walked back out of the room and out of the castle. Being outdoors was apparently our thing. It was nice, the air was fresh, and it was cool outside. "Ah, yes.. and here was where I jumped out of a tree. I recall you calling me pathetic?" "Yeah, I suppose that is what I said. I still agree with it though." Draco jumped on me a little, taking his hand and messing my hair up more.

"You're still the same, Potter," he said laughing. I pretended to look at something and made Malfoy look in that direction. He turned and I quickly grabbed him by the waist, pulling him down on the ground with me. "Potter, I swear!" I quickly got up and started running. I was fast, but apparently so was he. We just kept trying to tackle one another until we finally got tired. "You can run Malfoy," I told him, running out of breath. "So can you," he said in the same way.

We sat down on the ground against some rocks, catching our breath. We were hidden behind them, so I pulled him over to me and started kissing him. He kissed me back and we did that for a while. We were lying down now, but we started to hear people coming. Both of us jumped up, silently laughing as if we were breaking the rules, and ran to the other side of the castle. The whole time we were holding hands. They fit perfectly. His touch was the best feeling, along with being wrapped in his arms. But then I realized that I had to find something for him.. Christmas was in a few days. 

Draco's POV: We were still holding hands. I loved holding him close to me. I still couldn't believe it was true. All these years of knowing, him, acting like we hated each other. We were here together now.. being in love, and wanting nothing more or less than only that. All I had to do now was think of something to get him for Christmas, and I think I knew just the thing.

Harry's POV: We stopped running when we saw more people, and just acted like we were talking casually. "Hey, Potter.. I have to go do something," Draco started to tell me. But before I could say anything, he then said, "Don't worry, it's not anything bad. You'll see soon." I nodded and he ran off. What was he up to? But I had my own stuff to worry about. I thought about what to get him and then I thought of it. I ran to the library, where I started working on a present for Malfoy. If it was our first Christmas together, he had to get something from me. 

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