The Story Of The Israelis

94 13 38

The Narrator

5:30 a.m

There was silence after the gun was fired, except for the echoes of the sound of gunfire, and the sound of birds fleeing the site.

The first rays of the sun pierced through the horizon, dispelling the darkness of night, which was lifting away.

The shotgun fell on the ground, dropped by its handler.

The firearm was stained with blood.

It was not the blood of a bird.

It was not the blood of the children.

It was the blood of the handler.

The children, who tightly held each other, opened their eyes after those few moments of silence and were astonished that they weren't dead.

When they opened their eyes, they saw the thug perform a macabre death dance before falling dead, bleeding near his chest, and neck.

They couldn't believe that the thug's attempt to kill them backfired.

Literally, it backfired.

The shotgun was smoking, but the smoke didn't emanate from the muzzle. It emanated from somewhere near the butt and the trigger of the firearm.

The sun had fully risen, and the darkness in the forest was lifted away, even though the sun was still veiled by the thick storm clouds. It was pouring heavily, and peals of thunder reverberated throughout the jungle.

After a few minutes of seeing the thug not get up, the trio walked to his body. He lay dead. There were many holes on his face, chest, and neck. A long splinter had stabbed him in the neck.

Picking up the gun, Kirt commented, "crude, country-made weapon".

There was a hole created by a blast in the area where the chamber and receiver of the gun were. Looking at a long piece of shattered wood missing from the wooden gun's body, Kirt realized that that piece of missing wood was the splinter that stabbed the thug in his neck.

Kirt threw the gun to Timothy who caught it before it touched the ground. Timothy examined the gun and by looking at it, he knew it was haphazardly made.

The duo left the corpse where it was, and examined the bag that the thug kept near the place where Timothy was tied.

"Cocaine," said Kirt after sniffing the packets that he was able to take from the bag.

"Probably a drug dealer," chipped in Alice.

"Yeah. No wonder he has an amateur-made crude gun," said Kirt, agreeing with Alice's assessment of the thug's identity.

"Is there anything else inside?" asked Kirt.

"Nah. Nothin. Just bags of cocaine and some buckshot shells," said Timothy taking in his hand the buckshot shells that he discovered at the bottom of the bag.

"If that thing was a properly functioning gun, we'd all be dead. He was using buckshot. He could have killed all of us in one shot," said Kirt.

"Man, he must be brutal to kill someone with a buckshot shell," said Timothy.

"The weapon must have been jammed inside. That's why it somehow exploded, causing the pellets to break through the chamber and strike him," postulated Kirt as he bent over the dead body and pointed the holes on it to Timothy.

Alice didn't say anything. She was just looking at the dead body.

"Well, this won't be of any use to us," remarked Timothy, throwing the broken rifle away.

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