The Split

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The Narrator

7:30 p.m

Amid the depressing sound of incessant rainfall outside, inside the bus, the Wolfgang children were having a passionate argument. From outside the bus, one could see the silhouettes of students arguing fiercely, with the aid of the lights which were turned on inside the bus. While some were in intense debate, others looked on. Everybody was in the lower deck.

The discussion (which became an argument) began when Brian Campbell came that day with his calculations in hand. He told everyone that only three days' worth of rations were left. The only things that would stay beyond three days were the fuel, clean drinking water, toilet paper, and other non-edibles. The eatables could only last for two to three days, according to Campbell's estimates. Brian Campbell came with these calculations when another discussion was already going over whether it was good if all the students walked towards the highway by themselves or whether it was good if all the students waited till Sergio came when the storm was done. Brian Campbell's estimates gave ammunition to both sides of the discussion which soon began heating into an argument. The discussions began ever since Kirt, Timothy, and Alice told everyone about what happened to them in the forest. Many were fearing for their safety after they heard the trio tell them of the encounter with the thug who died when his attempts to kill the trio literally backfired.

For a long time, Zachary White and Bill Lancaster hated the rules that all the children agreed upon. The two were anarchists along with their 'common' girlfriend Michaela Smith and her puppets. They took advantage of the discussion to push forward the opinion that all students must leave the bus and walk towards civilization. Even though Bill and Zach masked their intention by saying that they thought so 'in common interest', why they really wanted to leave was because they didn't want to feel like they were 'subject' to others. They exploited the fear the other people had to win unusual allies to their side of the argument: the fear of being lost, the fear of being unsafe and the fear of dying due to starvation. Their opinion went contrary to the opinion of Kirt, Timothy, and Alice who argued that it was safer to stay on the bus, until the arrival of Sergio. The trio argued that if there was no food, using the bus as a base, they could hunt for food in their surroundings, and return to the bus when they were done.

AnnSophia bit her lip, in order to keep silent, as she watched the two sides argue. Rhett and Tom were serious too, just alternating their eyes between the two arguing sides.

The arguments continued going back and forth.

"Listen, guys, I understand your point that there are risks associated with staying back but those risks are far less than the risks that are associated with leaving. It's dangerous out there because the storm has disfigured the entire forest. Tom, Alice and I went out and guess what? We lost our paths and sense of direction because the forest looked very different from how we had known it when Sergio, Gallagher, and Seagale were with us. I assure you that they're just stuck in a storm. They'll be back. So it's better that we stay till they come. Sergio is a man of the jungle, and if he himself couldn't navigate to where we are, then we don't stand a chance if we all try to leave the jungle on our own. We will only get lost and end up deeper into the jungle, stranded," said Kirt as he held his temper, while Bill and Zach were slandering him with words interspersed with curses, as he spoke.

After Kirt said those words, Alice went to grab a cup of water, while Timothy sighed.

The two sides continued arguing.

Then, Jackson King spoke: "Kirt boy, you know how I respect you. But I want you to see that Sergio, Seagale, and Gallagher aren't coming back. What if something happened to them: something such as an accident? We don't know what happened to them. We waited for more than 10 days since Sergio disappeared. He hasn't come back as Alice and you assured us that he would. What's the point then in waiting? As much as I hate Bill and Zach, I agree with them that we better go."

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