Hang In There

18 3 8

Timothy McAllister

I was heading for that house. That's all I knew. I knew that all I was doing then was guesswork on my part; I didn't have a map nor did I remember anything from the old map except for the shape of the last hill we stood on before we made that fateful decision to walk towards that cursed house.

I might sound crazy but crazy I was. I didn't care if my decision to break off from Hernanda and Jackson was impulsive but those two were jerks and if I stuck on with them, we would end up in Rio De Janeiro, not that damn house. I couldn't let that happen. I needed to go to that house and rescue Alice and Kirt. And I wasn't going to let two imbeciles mess that up. I'd lost Shifaly and no I wasn't going to lose Alice or Kirt. 

It stung walking with torn shoes but I kept going. Any moment that beast might appear through the trees but no I wasn't running away. I was running towards that son of a b***h. I was going to knock that b******d's face off and saw off his f*****g head. 

It began raining, yet I did not stop. My legs and hands were bleeding because I'd scraped against rocks, trees, and shrubs. Until I broke away from Jackson and Hernanda, I was afraid of the f****g forest. I was a shitty welp. But Nah! Breaking away from those two fools was the best decision I'd ever taken. It made me stand on my own f*****g feet and if I had to find Alice and Kirt alone on those damn feet, I'd do it.

It had been almost a day since I'd wandered away. I was grumbling with myself as I trudged through the undergrowth when without knowing where I was going, I had climbed up on a hill, stopping just a few inches from stepping off the cliff on its other slope. 

I gasped and walked back gently, kicking a few stones off into the abyss below. When I squinted and looked on my left and right, I noticed a range of hills. And that's when I saw it. That hill where we'd stood on was far to my left. It would take another day or two to reach there; Once I got away from the cliff, I began running over the hill, seeking to run through that range of hills  until I'd reached the one from where that hellish house was visible.

Hernanda Wilkinson

We found the trap door. It was underneath the bush where we'd discovered Miss. Dakota. When we had broken off a few of its branches the dilapidated door half-eaten by termites stared at us. 

I wasn't sure whether it would still lead back to the house. Many years had passed probably since the time it had been built. The ground above might have caved in different sections. When I had told Miss. Dakota my worry about the tunnel's integrity, she'd said we'd have to take up this gamble. It might be our last hope in getting to that house on time. 

"What about weapons?" I asked her.

"We'll grab some sticks," she told me.

"And what? Swing at it as if it is some bottle of beer?" I said. "And sticks? We don't know how strong these might be. They're not baseball bats."

"Listen, Hernanda. I know it's risky. But we've got to take this risk. For the ones we love. For the ones you love. Kirt, Alice, and who knows any other child stuck in there."

"But —"

" Listen, Hernanda. You've got to trust me and believe in yourself. I know this sounds crazy and if this was an ordinary day, I wouldn't be advising you to take such a dangerous gamble as this. But right now, this is the last hope Kirt and Alice have got. And we can give them this hope. But we can't do it unless we believe in ourselves. Coz we can still go there but if we lack the necessary confidence, we won't be able to fight whatever f*****g thing is inside there. And if we don't fight: they're gonna die."

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