Miss Dakota?

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The Narrator

Chaos. Commotion. Confusion. Disarray. Disaster. Disorder. Hell. Havoc. Mayhem. Turmoil 

Pablo Cuarto struggled to find the word that best described what had transpired in the last twenty-four hours. Just after he'd left the Police Station on duty the previous day, things began to go downhill starting from the arrest warrant issued against the disgraced, dead Capitán Felipe Espadachín. This was serious: the order came from the office of the Comandante General 's office himself.

Along with the warrant came a revelation that shocked all of Felipe's colleagues. They thought he was a moral man, a man of principle.  In fact, as a young recruit in the Police, Pablo looked up to Felipe; he wanted to be like him. But he wasn't sure about that anymore. Not after what he learned shattered him to the core of his being, teaching him a lesson that all of us still learn no matter how much we grow: that even the most innocent-looking of people we know can be dark, monstrous within. 

Never did Pablo believe that Felipe was a monster but when Pablo listened to the radio news anchor tell the tale of the disgraceful late Capitán, he was thrown into confusion. How can such a hellish alter-ego abide within a person simultaneously?  He was convinced that beneath the facade of the pseudo-honorable Felipe lay an evil persona. 

When Felipe had been a recent graduate from the Police Academy, he was posted briefly in Potosí to replace an officer who'd been dismissed for involving in a drug gang as an informer. When Felipe had joined the defrocked officer's station, his unfulfilled tasks became Felipe's. One of which had involved investigating reports of children kidnapped from indigenous reservations. 

Now, Felipe had a pornography addiction when he was alive. In a letter to a newspaper, his mother had revealed that Felipe would bring magazines with images of young girls being tortured when he was just twelve years old. This addiction had continued even until the day of his death. When the Police took a look at Felipe's purchase history following his demise, they uncovered transactions for torture-porn red room videos made on the Dark Web. 

So with this unknown addiction, when he had begun working on the case in Potosí, he met Miguel Pizarro, a pimp. Learning about what Pizarro dealt with, and after Pizarro bribed the young Felipe with a girl for a night, Felipe and Pizarro struck a deal where every weekend, Pizarro would give Felipe a girl in exchange for Felipe keeping silent. He eventually "fell in love" with one of the girls — a certain Narcissa Penelope — and had bought "exclusive rights" on her from Pizarro; she was still kept in that shanty town brothel, but no one could touch her except Felipe. As time had gone by, Penelope became pregnant by Felipe. And, since she had become seventeen three years into their "relationship," they made plans to marry the following year. But one day Felipe had learned that she had aborted the baby with the help of a "doctor" using the rusted coat-hangar procedure and that she had begun sleeping with other men. Enraged, Felipe shot her with a silenced pistol in their little cabin in the brothel. When Felipe had asked Pizarro why "his monopoly on her" was broken, Pizarro had said that he only promised to not force her to lie down with other men. He didn't give his word to prevent her from doing that on her own will. Felipe had then threatened to leak out information about Pizarro but Pizarro showed Felipe video recordings of his times in the brothel and threatened to leak them on the Internet. Eventually, Felipe had made to an agreement where he would protect Pizarro and pay him to hide the videos and news of Penelope's death. 

The agreement stayed a secret until Pizarro's prostitute-wife betrayed him to the cops after she had fallen "in love" with someone else the day before the day Felipe had committed suicide. 

Felipe's death meant the loss of someone who had been leading the team until then. Because of his micromanaging nature and refusal to share information, Felipe had every single key detail about the case in his head or in the laptop he had burnt, to hide the porn videos he had bought, before he blew his brains out. Now the Police have the jigsaw puzzle messed up again. 

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