The Boat

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Kirt Heinrich

10:30 p.m

After eating the food the dog gave me, I patted the dog which came near me to lick my mouth clean. He had a collar around his neck. I examined it as he licked my face, and saw that his name was 'Amor'. I was glad to have the dog with me.

When I fell asleep, the dog came and lied down beside me to give me his body warmth. I could smell the musky odor of his coat as he lied down beside me. I hugged him as I slept, just like how a child would hug a teddy bear. He licked my face as I hugged him, wagging his tail.

Oftentimes when you're with someone who really cares about you, you would never worry about whatever worse thing you're going through. I was glad that I had the dog, Amor. He was a companion, a help, and a friend.

Alice Boe

12:30 a.m. Next Day

It was raining outside. I was about to finish reading through Agatha Christie's Murder On The Orient Express for the fifth time. One of my favorite fictional characters was in the story: Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who had an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) for detail and precision. I always found it funny that he couldn't eat an irregularly shaped piece of bread or that he couldn't eat two eggs when their sizes didn't match up with each other. Kirt didn't like the story at all because he believes that all who committed the murder, even if it was for revenge, deserved to face the law. When Kirt was with us, the book was an excellent topic for debate.

Kirt was a conservative dude. All the boys on the bus when were stranded were conservative: Rhett, Tom, and Timothy. Kirt's mom was a Republican who wanted to run for senate before she died. Kirt wanted to fulfill his mother's dream by running for Senate as a Republican and perhaps later run for President as a Republican. Wyoming, where our school Wolfgang Academy was, is a quite conservative state. So, it was no wonder that a lot of Wolfgangers were conservative Republicans. With that said, there was also a fair share of liberals and Democrats in the class. That balance of liberals and conservatives was seen clearly in school debates. The last debate we had got really heated when Bob Barker (of 10B) and Kirt Heinrich (of 10A) were debating gun rights. Bob Barker was a fierce anti-gun activist. Kirt was a great supporter of gun rights because he believed that guns help someone to protect themselves. Whenever Bob and Kirt debated each other, the whole school paid attention. Bob and Kirt were the greatest debating champions of our school debate team. In intra-school events, on the other hand, they were the greatest rivals. I missed Kirt when I thought about him. He was such a wonderful person. Timothy missed him a lot.

Timothy and Kirt were an interesting duo. They were similar in that they both scored the highest grades (overall) in the grade, but they were different in their hobbies. Kirt loved to stay indoors. He preferred to sit with books over going out, even though he was part of the Boys' Scouts. That was what I could never understand: How could he be in the Boys' Scouts and be an indoors-person? Timothy, on the other hand, loved athletics and going outdoors. He was part of our school basketball team. Despite that and many other differences, the two were really close friends.

After reading the last line of the chapter of Murder On The Orient Express that I was reading, I got out of my capsule and reluctantly went to the girls' toilet to answer nature's call. It was disgusting. The toilet was overflowing and I regretted every moment that I spent there. The smell was horrible. It looked worse than how the boys' toilet looked when I hid there for a while, on the night Sergio took Kirt, Timothy and I to the river Muchachita. After relieving myself, I shut the door and walked to the boys' deck downstairs. We never used the girls' deck after Emily died. All of us slept in the capsules on the boys' deck. Shifaly slept in the capsule opposite mine.

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