Jackson, No!

14 3 8

Hernanda Wilkinson

Someone, Jack I believe, had grabbed me from the back just before its blade could slash my neck. The knife instead grazed my hair, cutting off a tuft of it. 

In our panic, we ran past the door of the tunnel. When I had swiveled my head to look at the room we had run past, I saw the tufts of my hair twirling in the air as it began walking slowly behind us with its knife, that thing's cloak dragging the dust as it scraped the floorboards. 

We reached a dead end. 

"Damn!" Miss Dakota cursed. "Damn! Damn! Damn! We need to find a way"

She turned back and saw the monster closing in. 

My hands were trembling and I was wheezing. Looking at the wall and the doors to my sides, I searched for a way to escape. The doors were a little bit far from where we were. We could run there and shut ourselves in but that would be risky.

I stood in front of Kirt, who began to gain consciousness. If it was going to take us down, I would go down before Kirt; and I swore that I would never let it get to Kirt, my Kirt, without getting hurt by me. 

It began increasing its pace. 

"Oh no!" someone breathed.

It was a few paces away.

"To the doors!" Miss Dakota yelled.

"What?" I shouted.

That thing heard us and began running.


Jackson and I lifted Kirt and ran towards the doors.

The beast ran faster.

Jackson slammed himself against the door. It didn't fall. He was shivering too, like me. While he kept his eyes transfixed on it, he kept slamming the door. 

"Stop! I'll try the knobs!" I pushed Jackson behind me and turned the knob. The door opened and Kirt and I fell through. Miss Dakota and Jackson ran in. But the being put it's hand and stopped the door before Miss Dakota could close it. Jackson pushed the door but couldn't.

Miss Dakota took a deep breath and shouted. "Hernanda, whatever happens, don't follow me."

Yelling at the top of her lungs she opened the door and lunged at the being, her forehead banging against it.

Suddenly we heard the sound of a slink

Miss Dakota kept pounding the monster, without realizing what had happened. Then, her mouth began gathering with thick blood, which streamed down the edges of her mouth. She retched and then looked horrified at the blade sticking through her belly. Her blows began getting weaker. The monster drew the blade and kicked her away. And began walking towards me. I held tightly to Kirt.

"Not this f*****g day, Jackson ran screaming!"

"Jackson, no!" I screamed.

Jackson used his athletic body to slam the monster before it could wipe its blade. He kept on pushing until he reached the corridor. "Hernanda! Shut the door."

I froze.

"Do it! you fool!"

I ran to the door.

The monster saw this and pushed Jackson away and tried charging at me with the knife. Jackson lunged in front of the door and took the stab as I slammed the door, crying. 

After the noises of Jackson dying ceased, it began banging the door. With all my might, I pushed a cupboard in front of the door, before slumping and falling unconscious.

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