That Wasn't Supposed To Happen

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Hernanda Wilkinson woke up to see the psychopath lift himself up and Kirt bleeding and wounded but alive.

 She glanced at the bear trap and saw the scimitar still stuck amid the spikes. Her eyes then fell on a rock beside it. Though her legs were sore, she lifted herself and grabbed that rock.

As that monster raised what was left of the knife and was on the verge of killing Kirt, Hernanda sprinted and aimed for his head. 

The rock flew in the air, hit that killer, ricocheted off his body, and fell on Kirt's toes. He yelped.

The monster turned back and before he could charge at her, Hernanda grabbed the handle of the scimitar and struggled to pull it out of the clutches of the bear trap.

She tried once.

It didn't come out.

She tried twice.


The third time, she tugged harder. 

The psycho was closing in.

Finally, she drew it out, and with all her might shoved the knife into the monster's abdomen screaming at the top of her lungs.

Nothing happened.

The knife bent and flipped out of her hand. It had only torn through the cloak but was stopped by something that seemed like a metal armor that the monster was wearing. 

She gasped in surprise. That wasn't supposed to happen.

Before she could do anything, the psycho slapped her with the back of his human-skin gloved hands, knocking her out of her senses.

He grabbed the scimitar and admired its sturdiness, and then looked at Hernanda's unconscious body.

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