🌹Chapter One🌹

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🌹R O S E🌹


I shiver as the cold water runs down my back. The jacket I wear is not made for this weather. Mistakes about my outfit have clearly been made. I also didn't bring an umbrella, as I thought it would be sunny like it was this morning when I went out.

I reach my apartment after walking in the rain for about fifteen minutes. My clothes soaking wet with rain water and raven black my hair is leaking. Stripping myself from the wet clothes, I hop into the shower to take a nice warm shower to warm myself up.

Dressing myself in fresh pajamas, I brush my teeth and put my black hair into a braid. Going to the bed, I snuggle under the cover and pull out my favorite book to read before I go to bed. I only manage to read three chapters because my eyelids felt so heavy, so I just have to put the book down and welcome the darkness.


My alarm clock wakes me up on a new rainy day. Fun. Another rainy day is just what I needed. Pulling myself out of bed, I force myself into the bathroom. Wednesday, the day that I don't particularly like, as it's so long until the weekend.

After brushing my teeth, I go into the kitchen to have some breakfast. Just some toast and orange juice, I'm not feeling like having something else right now. Besides, I need to go grocery shopping soon, either today or tomorrow, perhaps tomorrow, I don't feel like going today.

A aching headache is like there's a drum in my head that someone's playing. Taking aspirin to hopefully calm down my headache, I have work and I'd like to be fully focused on it. I'd rather not be fired, since it's only been about a week since I got the job.

As much as I want to, I can't take a sick day after have been working so short period of time. I want to prove myself to the boss that this job means something to me. I had to fight tooth and nail for that job. Not literally, of course, but still. I worked hard for that job and I will not lose it.

Dressing myself into my work outfit and preparing myself for the day. The silver chained necklace that I always have, to give me good luck. The charm is a small silver rose. A gift from my parents on my tenth birthday, I never take it off. Some random earrings to match the outfit and a bracelet.

My phone buzzes on my nightstand. Picking it up and seeing what it is. A new message from Lena. Opening my phone, I check the message. 'Get down here, I'm waiting' It reads. Lena isn't the most patient person in the world, but I have to hurry and get down.

I don't own a car, so she drives me to work every morning. It works in our favor because we work at the same place, just not on the same floor. Taking my purse, phone and keys, I exit my apartment and walk down the stairs. Once I get outside, I notice Lena's red car in front of the entrance door.

Opening the car door, I get in the car. "Hey, girl" She greets me. I smile at her. "Hey" I greet back. I put on the seatbelt and she starts the and drives off to work. "So, how did the date go last night?" She asks me. I was hoping she had forgotten that.

"I don't want to talk about it" I tell her, last night was a mistake. Being single is just better, that's what I've realized after all the countless dates that Lena has sent me on with some of her friends. "Oh, come on. I was so sure that was the one" She says.

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