The Road So Far

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It's been a long journey. The Winchesters have saved people, hunted things, for as long as they can remember. Sam, Dean, and Cas...they've been through a lot. They've lost each other so many times; but now, they're closer than ever.

Along this dark, cold, and lonely road, they've realized something. They've realized that if you don't have family, people that care about you and do everything they can to bring you back when you spiral out of control, you don't have much.

In this crap hole of a world, Sam and Dean and Cas are all each other has. They know exactly what they have to lose, and they'll die before that happens.

For the first time in a long time, they feel safe. Protected. Loved. They've lost so many people down this road. More than they care to count. But the ones that mattered, those are the people they remember. Dean keeps a list now of every name of every person he's ever lost, whether it be to death, weakness, or lost memories. He still has nightmares about the feeling of his mother's loving arms ghosting around him, enveloping him into a protective hug.

Sam dreams of the white-picket-fence, apple pie life. He's made peace with the fact that the chance of him ever getting to have that life is very slim. He knows the truth. He's dealing with it. Though he doesn't see the harm in dreaming, wondering.

Cas was human only for a while. He doesn't exactly know what he's missing. He doesn't understand Dean's permanent sadness. He's doing what he can to help him, though. There's an advantage to him being so literal. He can tell Dean how it is, help him cope. But there's still a part of Cas that, if it wasn't already human before, has the potential to be human again.

When it comes to Heaven, Castiel silently nods and pretends that he's okay with being the last angel left on earth. But what he's really thinking about is how much he misses it. It was the only home he had ever known. He misses his brothers and sisters, or what's left of them anyway.

Metatron was killed by a rebellion task force a few months ago. Whatever was left of the angels fought together to take them down. The casualties were great in number. Castiel mourned the losses with the rest of the angels, or he tried to anyways. No matter how sorry he may be, he was still the one who was affiliated with Metatron in the first place. He may never be forgiven for that.

Words cannot describe how saddened Castiel is. But he's not human. Not even he knows how sad he is. He has lost his home, his family. But Sam and Dean are his home and his family now, and that's more than he could ask for.

The Winchesters, all three of them, have quite a story to tell. They've made many memories. Some good, most bad, but a story, nonetheless. And this is how it ends.

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