chapter 9

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Y/n wakes up in a bout. He looks around and sees he's in some short of a cargo hold.

Sho: well your awake.

He see's sho looking at him with a creepy smile.

Y/n: ok punck two things. One tell your cube face guy nice shot the next time he dose that I burn his minecraft house. Secondly where are you taking me?

Sho: to the tower of heaven. The place that you will be sacrificed.

Y/n: yeah no thanks that inland may suck so let me go and I swear I won't beat you and your friends up and take the bout back to my friends.

Sho: friends tell me is Erza your friend?

Y/n: how do you know her name.

Sho: because we are sisster's. Well not technically but we were born in the tower of heaven.

Y/n: so what is this "towner of heaven"?

Sho: it's a place that we bring back anyone we want like Zeref.

Y/n was shocked when he said Zeref.

Y/n: are you going to bring Zeref back?

Sho: Yes.

Y/n: are you crazy! Zeref is the most dangerous wiazerd in the world! Bringing him back will cost death and tye planet to be distroyed.

Sho: I know but if we serve Zeref then we can life free.

Y/n: that's a lie and you know it.

Sho stand up and walk up to th door.

Y/n: hey wait! I'm not done!

Sho: we're close to the tower of heaven. Once there you will be in a cell for a while. Until then.....enjoy you last thoughts.

He left the room and Y/n struggle to summing something.

Y/n: (thought) dammit why is it not working? Why can't I not summing anything?

He see he his arms was tired up.

Y/n: (thought) is it that rope. Ok think what dose spy's get out of this mess.

Well he was thinking Millianna pick out the door and saw him.

Millianna: (thought) meow his soo adorable. I never knew capturing the target that looks soo cute.

Then she hide when Y/n look at th door.

Y/n: (thought) think wait I think they wait until they get to the location and then escape.....boy got a bad feeling about this.


We see Y/n friends on a small bout trying to follow them.

Gray: so let me get this straight Erza. They were your friends in the tower of heaven many years ago?

Erza: yes.

Natsu was burfing and hanging at the age of the bout. Well Wendy use her sens to track Y/n.

Wendy: but how did you escape the tower of heaven.

Erza: I didn't I was teleport by Jallel.

Everyone: Jallel!

Juvia: but is he not in the magic council?

Erza: they said Jallel has a twin.

Gray: so there's a good one well the bad one his in the tower of heaven?

Erza: I believe so. But I want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't tell yous my past.

Lucy: it's ok Erza it's not your fault. Let's get Y/n back.

They see something in the distance. They saw it. The tower of heaven.

 The tower of heaven

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Y/n is been dragged inside the tower of heaven. He was place inside his cell. They lock the cell door and left him.

Y/n: well at least they let my hands go but this same rope on my neck must still block my power's.

Y/n look around and see there's anything so he can escape. He try to break the lock with a rock but it didn't work. Then he try to ram it but that also didn't work. He try to find a secret exit but he thinks that's childish......but he trys it but didn't work.

Now he lay on the ground thinking what else to do.

Y/n: I won't give up. I just need to find the way out. Huh dammit there's no point. It's not like someone in the ememys side open the door and said " hey I'm a good guy and I'm here to help you."

???: so I gest you don't need our help?

He turn to see Simon and Millianna behind him. Simon open the cell and Y/n step out.

Y/n: um and it's not like a magic golden sword will, come down to my hands.

But.....nothing happened.

Y/n: Dammit.

Millianna: (giggled) your funny.

Simon: we're here to help you but you must help use.

Y/n: wait why are you helpping me?

Simon: well you know Jallel's plan. He wants to use the tower of heaven to bring Zeref to life.

Millianna: I over heard you and sho's talk about him. That he was dangerous and all. He's a big meanie.

Y/n: so you want me to stop him?

Simon: yes (give him the mad) these a secret hall's so no one will not see you. This will reach you to Jallel.

Y/n: and he is?

Simon: at the top floor. We will make sure no one will warn Jallel about your escape.

Y/n: yeah and that will be the problem.

Then Simon make a hologram of Y/n by using his magic.

Y/n: never mind.

Simon: at the mean time. Good luck dragon knight slayer.

Y/n: (smiled) thanks.

Millianna hug Y/n and purred his face.

Millianna: if you come back I show you a cats in my room.

Y/n: (blush) um sure.

She let go and Y/n went off.

Y/n: (thought) I see many cat people but Millianna.....she's kind of cute.

Then Y/n run off to stop Jallel's plan and save the day.

To be continued......

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