024. Victoria's Interview

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Chapter Twenty-Four | Victoria's Interview

"Your Royal Highness, it is so lovely to see you

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"Your Royal Highness, it is so lovely to see you." Trish Hampton said as we sat down at the table near the large windows of Buckingham Palace.

"Hello, Trish. Thank you for coming." I said, smiling.

"It's honour to be one of the few peoples to see you since you woke up from the coma." Trish said. "How are you? How is everything with the little one?" She asked.

"I worried I wouldn't bond with my daughter because I had no time to get my head around her arrival, but I think she's amazing," I answered. "It's an absolute miracle." I added.

"That's amazing to hear." Trish said.

"Thank you." I said.

"What's the most important lesson being a mum has taught you?" Trish asked.

"I have learned patience, to see the things that are invisible, and the value of time. We are born with only a certain amount of heartbeats. Be wise with what or whom you choose to spend your energy on." I answered.

"Do put pressure on yourself to bounce back after birth?" Trish asked.

"After the birth of my first child, and being in a coma. I do not put pressure on myself to bounce back. I'm enjoying my new body and I love it.  I am not sure everyone understands that. I need time to heal, to recover, so everyone will be seeing this body for as long as I can keep it. I weighed 198 with my pregnancy and I'm currently 188 so I've only lost ten." I answered.

"Have you gotten back to the routine of things including your royal duties?" Trish asked.

"No, I really want to but doctors order. Once, I'm given the green light then I'll be back but as of now, I'm writing "thank-you-cards" and organising interviews, photo shoots, preparing speeches and assignments, making strategic plans etc. I'm also preparing to launch my own foundation." I answered.

"Your own foundation?" Trish asked.

"Yes, like my brothers and their wives, who have established charities that has had, and will continue to have, significant long-lasting impact, changing lives for the better. My foundation will reflect my charitable interests. My vision is to create an powerful initiative that gives something back to the United Kingdom and the commonwealth countries and the world. You know a project of programs that will tangibly help everyone in different areas." I answered.

"Do you have a name for your foundation?" Trish asked.

"Currently, no but I may go the traditional way and name it "The Princess Victoria Foundation", also I may name it "DoNation" I do not know yet but maybe I should stop talking about it before I suggest anymore names." I answered.

"Do you feel pressured to return back to the public eye especially after the year you had?" Trish asked.

"The anxiety that I have...the performance anxiety has been very complicated for me. There are as many reasons to feel bad but for me it's more like what will the public think? I always want to please the people. But I've been given different kinds of tools and learned how to manage it. The pressure heaped on all the perfect images that are uploaded and the fact that "everything has to be polished" in order for them to feel accepted. I'm waiting for the backlash. Does a lot to someone and that's why I'm doing this interview to let everyone know that yes, I am struggling with my personal life especially my health. For so long, I tried to be the perfect princess but in reality there is no such thing as perfect. I want everyone to accept that with me and themselves. The reality is that I am like any person, complicated and layered." I answered.

"Does negative stories often written about your brothers and their wives and your relationship bother you? Does it affect you?" Trish asked.

"We are constantly in the news, and sometimes we end up reading unpleasant things about ourselves. When it's about my family, I get really protective. Most of the time when things are so baseless or absurd, I have a good laugh. But as far as dealing with it on a daily level for me, I'm pretty content. If it's about my grand-mum, my father, or my brothers and their wives, or my cousins, I can get worked up when I read things that are false or negative. But when it's about me, I've learned how to block out the noise for the most part." I answered.

"Why do the Royal family work so hard? What do you think drives you all?" Trish asked.

"We have such big visions of what we want our life and the world around us to be. But for me, it's probably not as big of a vision as the other members of my family. I saw my parents work so hard growing up; my father always respected hard work. My mum was probably the hardest worker I know. Many of the older women in my family put their status to good use and work hard especially my aunt, Anne, she always out do herself. Their hard work influenced me from a very young age." I answered.

"What do you believe to be the biggest misconception people have about you?" Trish asked.

"Are there really misconceptions about me? I've never heard any aside from I'm a shallow person but I've proven that to be false on many occasions. But I'm so used to always being underestimated... Being underestimated and over-delivering is my thing. I like to over-deliver and be underestimated." I answered.

"If you could choose not to be a royal and have a more peaceful but happy life out of the spotlight, would you do it?" Trish asked.

" I think I live an amazing life. Even in my darkest of times I don't regret putting myself out there for the world to see. People have shared with me over the years how much it has helped them to feel less alone when dealing with their own adversity. I love having a voice and I appreciate the platform that I have been given, even though I do wish I could have more privacy at times." I answered.

"I know you love all the women in your life, but which do you feel closest to and why?" Trish asked.

"It changes, just like friends or relationships go in and out. I think this year has been a really strong Catherine and I year. I'm obviously so close with Meghan, Beatrice, Eugenie and Kitty too but I've spent so much more time with Catherine. We have more history, have been through so much together, and we have more in common. All the women in my life and I will always be really close, but this year, Catherine and I really bonded. You know William you will tell you this but I was really their first child, I'm always at their place being the lovable me." I answered.

"Can we expect a christening soon for Princess Emersyn?" Trish asked.

"Well, like I said before once I'm given the green light by my doctor then a lot of things will be happening." I answered.

"And what about marriage? Will we being hearing an engagement announcement soon?" Trish asked.

"No." I answered.

"What's your relationship like with David Wellington now?" Trish asked.

"We're co-parents." I answered.

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