three- delmar's

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At my old school, my mom sometimes picked me up after school but now I have to go home by myself have to walk home because my mom has to pick up my 5 year old little brother, Joey from his elementary school. The elementary school is on the other side of Midtown High because Midtown high is on the western side of Queens and Joey's school is on the eastern side. So my mom and I agreed that she will pick Joey up and since I am a responsible 16 year old, I should catch the subway or just walk to school.


Once I arrived home, my mom was already home, she welcomed me with an unexpected hug. "Honey, how was your first day?" She asked.

"It was pretty good. I made new friends their names are Liz and Betty."

"Well that's good to hear."

"Yeah. By the way mom I'm joining the Academic Decathlon Team and it's after school practices so I'm going to come home late."

"So when is this?" She questioned.

"On Wednesdays after school's and there are also sometimes lunch time meetings." I replied while heading towards my room.

"Hi Y/N! How was your first day? My first day was the best!! I made new friends with this guy name Jack!! He's awesome!" Joey yelled from his room.

"That's good to hear Joey! I'm glad you made friends!" I answered back from my room.

My room is my favorite place is the entire world. Even though I've had more 10 rooms, I was update fairly quickly because it's just so peaceful and quiet. I opened my doors that lead to my balcony. My balcony is small but it's the perfect size just for myself, but it can sit at least another person. I grabbed my favorite book, 'Me Before You' and sat on the chair and started reading.

Good thing about being on the 22th floor is that I can see everything from the cars to the stars. The New York City view is tremendously beautiful at night. Well to me it is, since we don't live in the major city part of NYC it's not that busy at night but still it's beautiful to me. Our street is a bit on the slum side,nothing flash but I like it a lot. I've always spent my time here on the balcony during the summer break right after I've moved here.


I decided to stop and buy something at Delmar's Deli-Grocery after school. I entered the store and pretty much the store had everything. They even had my favourite candy of all time, Skittles.

"Sweet." I said as I saw that they had a huge selection of skittles. They mostly all the flavours from sour, original, fruits, wild berry and more. I don't have a favourite flavour because it depends on the mood I'm in. I didn't feel like sour candy today so I went to grab the 'original' flavoured packet but I realised there were two new flavours called 'tropical.' and 'darkside.' I debated which one I should get.

"Which one should I get?" I mumbled. "I guess I will just stick to the 'original' flavour." I grabbed the red coloured skittles packet. I could just get them next time.

I went over to the counter to pay for my skittles but there was already a guy with a worn out blue sweater in front of me.

"What's up, Mr. Delmar?" he said, cheerfully.

"Hey, Mr. Parker. Number five, right?" said the man behind the counter, who is Mr Delmar.

The guy placed a packet of sour jellies on the counter. and replied, "Yeah, um, and, uh, with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks."

"You got it, Peter." answered the other clerk behind the counter.

I guess he's a regular customer because everyone knows him.

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